Holding You

by Stephie   Oct 28, 2006

Holding you close was like holding an angel from above.
I would give up everything
Before I'd separate myself from you ,
Not even god can take our special memories away,
He may have you, he may get to hold you and touch you, but he does not have the most inportaint part of you. your memories,
That is something not even God can take away from what we shared, We build our memories and now they will live on, forever. untill we meet again.
Lord knows Dreams are hard to follow! Thats why he gives us an angel each.
So that way we know that if we make a wish we can count on it to come true in one way or a nother.
But don't let anyone Tear them away Hold on to what u have or what you had,
It's not what u had, it's what you still got. Yes you got to hold that person , yes you got to be with that person and see that person,
There will be tomorrow In time You'll find the way to make it through. with her help she will guid you for she is the ~*~Angel Of Hope~*~

* dedicated to Jessica Ann viola Chalifoux, Wrighten By Stephy
I Love You Angel Sweetie Jessica


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