Go Unloved

by AngelFromHell12   Nov 5, 2006

Everyone around me are happy
Boys holding girls by the waist
Girls daydreaming about the ones they love
Love and flirtation all around me
But any for me?
I shall say not
I can do nothing but watch hopelessly
As girls get love by another person they really love
And I get no love by anyone else
The one I love...well...doesn't love me anymore
He's too busy being in love with someone else
Someone who isn't me
My blood and tears mean nothing to him
So as I continue to suffer
He'll just love another girl
Unfortunately, I must suffer greatly
For I gave him my heart and soul
But apparently that didn't mean anything to him
No one else wants to love me
Fine, dont love me
I'll go unloved
Until the day I die
Life without love may not be healthy
But then again
Emotional suffering isn't that healthy either
So I'll go home
Lock myself in my room
And never come out
Love is gone for me
And now I'll go gone also
Except this time, I won't return


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  • 17 years ago

    by broken reflection

    Holy crap! U have taken out my mind and put it down on paper, the only real difference is I have NEVER been loved, EVER! it sux much, but wow 5/5 from me, I relate to it like 95% ...... peace

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