Do I Wish

by Kim   Nov 10, 2006

I wish I may, I wish I might, wish this wish I wish tonight.
So what then do I wish for?

Do I wish for all the money in the World?
So that I can buy anything, do anything, become someone?

Do I wish for all the happiness in the World?
But what would I do with all that happiness?
Would I share it with others? Of course not, nobody in this World shares anymore.

Do I wish for World peace, so that nobody will suffer anymore?
People will always find something to fight over.

So tell me God, what shall I wish for?
I'm to scared to wish, afraid of making the wrong choice.
So I will wish something for you God.

I wish for your children to have all the happiness in the World.
I wish that they will have just the right amount of love to make it through the hard times.
I wish for them World peace so you don't have to see them suffer.
I also wish that they will look up to you in the time of need.

Do not worry God, because soon I will be one of your angels watching over all your precious children.


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