Mask of Mine

by Kairi   Dec 7, 2006

My heart beats a song, heard by none.
I’ll cry, but you’ll never see. My mask is in place
My mind a wheel lost to the side; forever spinning without direction.
You’ve set the stage. The lights deem; my role begins.
My voice doesn’t quiver; not a syllable quakes. But with each rising note, my heart continues to break.
I’ll sing this song; you give the queue.
My steps are measured; each filled with grace. This mask shall keep in its place.
The shows almost done, all shall end. The people will leave. And my heart will be free.
Such a sad little number.
While little ones slumber.
Not known to all that this must end.
This is the finale. My last cue. I’ll be free from all… Until I see you.
You believe in this; just as much as they do.
My eyes fill, my voice cracks, my footing slips.
This play is done. They all stand. All applaud for such a simple act.
I look up to you.
My mask cracks.
Avert your eyes. You can't see this. This that is my true feelings, thoughts, and face.
My mask in place
The music flares
The show must go on
The performance begins


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  • 17 years ago

    by Emm

    FiRsT CoMmEnT! w00t........0.o Niiiiice! I like it! Size may be daunting, but I love you! lol.