Shattered glass

by Escoffier   Dec 20, 2006

Shattered glass

1 the dream
2 the truth
3 the end of our love in this life
As I sit and look around
All the broken glass at my feet
My heart broke like this crystal bowl
So small the piece can fit though the eye of a needle
I dream of you,
I would like to take to a beach home by the sea
Were I would hold you all night long
As we watch the sky turn dark
The stars all stare at you
And I whisper to you that I only love you
You smile at me a hold me tightly
You fall asleep as I stroke you hair
I wish this were true
I think a good life, don't you?
But it not the case for me
You left me standing by the sea
I am not sure you even knew, my love for you
Before you wake I cook for you
You favorite dish or two
I look at you and see you smile
Knowing I have cooked a great breakfast for you
We head outside
A little cool, that ok I hold you close to my heart to warm you
I hold you hand as the world unfolds
Would this be a great dream, folks
But more true
I sit in the dark year after year
Hoping somehow you find you way back to me
It never happens though and as I am a lone all year long
Miss you more then my lost soul
You gave me hope when life beat me so
I never forget your love, even though it cut my throat

As we head back to our beach home
I kiss you and touch you face
I look deep inside and see the shadows of our kids
I never wanted to have a family
But it all I want for my life with you now
Maybe I am final become a man
And I have you to thank for

I wish some of the good stuff were true, but it's not only the bad stuff is mine since you left me, god I miss you, my love maybe in the next life me and you


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  • 17 years ago

    by Megan

    This is a really different poem but i liked it alot great job5/5