I Made A Wish

by TRAGiC BEAUTY   Dec 29, 2006

I made a wish in a wishing well
And surprisingly it came true
Don't tell anyone but my wish
Was to have a chance with you

Actually it was to find the man of my dreams
And that wish was good, it came true
I had no idea in the beginning
But I'd fall in love with you

I made a wish in a wishing well
And I'm very glad that I did
I'm glad you came and asked me out
Or else my feelings I would have hid

There's something about you
That makes me know you're from above
Maybe it's the simple fact that
You made me fall in love

I know people say when you make a wish
Especially in a wishing well
The wish won't come true
If you are to tell

But I just had to tell you
Because I'm so glad my wish came true
I'm so glad I'm your girl
And that I'm in love with you

(True story. I really did make a wish in a wishing well wishing for the guy of my dreams to come along. And 2 days later Jake asked me out and I fell in love! Soo romantic!)


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  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    Hehe, a cute poem with some nice rhymes, lol