by iMax   Feb 28, 2007

No point to dream.
just wanna leave!

People don't want me.
People don't care.
They want me gone
never to breath their air!

To them I'm invisible;
not part of their life.
Sometimes I wonder,
"Should I just die?"

I have no hero;
yet no friend;
no one to help me
when my life's about to end.

What was wrong?
What did I do?
What did I do
to be hated by you?!

Is it that I'm here;
still alive and not dead?
Or is it that I cared;
crying with the tears you've shed?

Do you want me out?
Do you want me gone?
Am I a road block to you
and makin` things wrong?

If you don't want me here,
just tell me to leave!
I'll grant your wish
and let you live your dream.

Just do me a favor...
go find a gun.
Shoot me at three;
Wouldn't that be fun?

You left me useless,
but now I can leave.
You left me with nothing
than a low self-esteem.

Forever I'll be gone.
I hope you'll be happy!
You will never care that
"Lifeless is what you made me."


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  • 17 years ago

    by Broken and Fading Away

    Hey this poem describes exactly how i have been feeling- except mines with a teacher not a boyfriend or family member. this poems is really great it says a lot about my life too. keep up the great work!