The Path of Life.

by Hidden Feelings within these Words   Mar 30, 2007

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm where I'm supposed to be.
Or even if I'm who I'm supposed to really be.
I wonder what this life may have in store for me.

Sometimes I feel sure of what I want, and where I'm to go.
Other times, I feel lost and try not to let it show.

I live my life from day to day.
And love everything in every single way.

My journey is so unpredictable in my eyes.
Only God knows what will happen, and that we need t realize.

But sometimes late at night, I lay and stare.
And hope for answers through answered prayers.

Do I go left, or should I choose right?
The roads are as dark as a moonless night.

No matter which direction I move.
I must strive to improve.

I hesitate not because I am scared.
And not even because I am unprepared.

I just sit and ponder which road to choose.
Simply because I do not want to lose.

To make the wrong decision would be hardest to bare.
Or is that God's intention.....A double dare.

A dare to take the road less traveled.
And risk the road chosen to become unraveled?

Although it may seem like the road is too slick.
Doesn't us taking it make it the right road to pick?

So, then we must wonder if there is a right and wrong path..
Or...simply two different ways to do the math.

However, we add it up and it equals the same..
The method used to get there, is what makes the game.

So, although we may wonder which road to choose.
We must remember with Christ we have nothing to lose.

Which choice should we make? A? or B?
Whichever we choose is meant to be.

So, although we do and will feel lost from time to time.
I take great comfort in the fact that the Lord is by my side.

So instead of trying to force life to fit.
Just let life be a journey and never quit.

If God is with you, you should never drift,
so sit back and enjoy his precious gift.


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  • 17 years ago

    by TracyM

    I really liked this one, really made me think. i used to think the same thing about which way to go. really well written, and good structure.

  • 17 years ago

    by Marcus

    This is a good poem
    I would say I can relate but I'm more of a pessimist and this seems to be an optimistic view

  • 17 years ago

    by Lonesomeme

    The meaning or what is perceived on my part, to be the meaning of this poem is a good message. The actual poem itself needs som ework though and it appears to drag on the same idea and becomes redundant. I gave it a 4/5 because it needs a little work , but like I said, the meaning was well taken and with a few changes to it, it could become a great poem. -unattractive1

  • 17 years ago

    by tyanna

    I have a few suggestions for this poem...
    The first stanza should be reworded a bit, but I don't really have any suggestions as far as how to do it.. On the 5th stanza you could take "but" out..

    "However we add it up and it equals the same" Take out "and"

    I think you could've shortened this poem up a little because although it was different sentences and different ways of looking at a situation it kind of repeated itself.. I give this a 3/5.. I do, however, like the meaning of this poem..

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