
by unique   Apr 9, 2007

Losing everything I ever dreamed of
My dreams fade away
The darkness and the hurt
Make them seem impossible

Everything seems hard to do
Life isn't an easy task
All I ever do is hard
And I usually fail

For once in my life
I actually want to prevail
But it's really hard
When all I feel is pain

This pain is like a stake
Driven through my heart
Makes my vision blurry
And I fall to my knees

I try to get up
But only stumble and fall
I crawl around in the dark
Searching for something, anything

Anything that can relieve this pain
Pull this stake from my heart
Help me up
Hold me strong

This pain is like the blackness of the night
Makes you feel so lost and confused
You can't see anything
So you stumble through

When I stumble
I trip and fall
Then I get kicked
While I am down

I lay there screaming
Rolling on the grass
Deep inside I'm bleeding
What an awful sight

I feel so alone laying on the ground
I look up but all I see is darkness
So I turn my head to the side
And start to cry

I put up a struggle to this pain
But it never works
And now I am losing touch
With everything I knew about being happy

On this ground I feel so small
So unnoticed and lost
Before long I am part of the ground
Grasses and weeds are growing on me

I am trapped where I am
Laying there, I'm like a rug
People walk over me without notice
As if I am nothing but the ground itself

This pain gets so unbearable
I can hardly stand to move
I just want to be unweeded
Saved from this pain

I wish I was a bird
So I could grow wings and fly
Soar above the earth
Instead of being stuck to the ground

I wish I was a dove
They are so peaceful looking
They seem happy,
Something I can hardly even dream of being

I don't know how this much pain was caused
But it shows how cruel the world can be
And how people are cold and heartless
Ignore you because you aren't like them

Pick me up, pick me up
I scream as I lay on the ground
No one hears me
No one cares

I eventually gather up strength
To try to get up I do
But I fail
Fail miserably

No matter how much strength I get
It's never enough
I feel like an abandoned garden
Covered in weeds, weeds of pain

Someone please pull these weeds I beg
Again they don't hear me or else they do
But they just ignore
My desperate cry

This pain makes me weak
Forces me to frown inside
On the outside I wear a mask
Faking that happy little me people see

On the outside I smile
On the inside I cry
Scream and wail
Not being able to get away from it all

Inside of me it's like thorns have grown
The more I move
The more I get poked
Ripped and torn

Each time I am ignored or insulted
Another thorn grows
I want these thorns to go away
But they just wont

I have a mission
To save myself
From these weeds I've grown
These weeds of pain and emptiness

But as I think about my mission
It gets harder to do
Because I think about my problems
And realize they've gotten worse

Everyday I get closer to the edge
The edge of sanity
Before long I might go crazy
Going from sane to insane

At times I feel like I am already insane
From the things that I do
And the things that I say
They are all strange things that happen everyday

I am isolated and alone
Spit on and forgotten
Lost and confused
In this pain

As I lay here on the ground
I see one familiar face
One I know wants to help
And for that I am thankful

But I feel so far gone
Like I can never be healed completely
But maybe I can be picked up off the ground
That would be a start

My life is like a garden that has been forgotten
I am full of weeds
I want to be unweeded
And reseeded


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