The Burning Bridge

by Victoria Rainey   Apr 12, 2007

Just like the roads
That connect
We became friends
We never regretted(word?)

We loved eachother to death
We were best friend
We were little playing dress up
She was the charm, and I was the luck

We did everything together
We shared a boyfriend
Because we were best friend forever
No way our friendship could end

Till one day
We split up and moved away
We were devasted
The move.. we definetly hated

Three years later
Somewhere in the middle of the road
Built a bridge, as our "problem"
Then we decided we have outgrowned

The phone calls late at night began to fade
The messages on our cell phones went away
The Photogragphs of us playing dress up
Where she was the charm and I was the luck
Was as well put in a box up in the attic
Memories of eachother became very static

Nevermore I remembered her face
I thought of her as the girl I just hate
The bridge was known as the burning bridge
That bridge.. was our friendship

Fading away quickly
Nevermore could be saved
Not anymore smooth but prickly
Soon we realized it was too late

That bridge turned to ashes
Then eventually became nothing but smoke
When we we were kids things disappeared
Just like the way our friendship and our hope

Our friendship and the burning bridge


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  • 17 years ago

    by Melpomene

    I liked this poem because i could relate too it in some ways about the ending a friendship and the burning bridge.
    There were a few mistakes in this poem
    for example:
    "She [were] the charm, and I was the luck"
    Shouldnt this be:
    "She [was] the charm, and I was the luck"
    One thing i didnt understand was
    "We shared a boyfriend" Like i didnt understand it really maybe its just me. none the less i found this poem to have a fair amount of emotion running through it. Seemed like it came from the heart. Well done ~mel

  • 17 years ago

    by Megann Lee

    Found some mistakes but I liked it none the less.