Time to go

by April McLaren   Apr 15, 2007

To you we will be friends forever
I don't see it that way
I listen to your every pain
I am your shoulder when you need it
It is take what you can get from me and
forget about you
I am saying goodbye to you
When I need someone to talk to or a shoulder
to lean on you are not there.
That is not a friendship so i must go
I am telling you this so you will know
Goodbye to you and hope you have a wonderful
future well i will be closing now with just a few words of
Goodbye to Forever

dedicated to one of my friends that i trusted and thought that i could tell anything to


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by robin milford

    Hey ape great poem babe I hate that someone done this to u stay strong girl

  • 17 years ago

    by Debbie

    Hello, April. This is a fine poem. I completely understand where you're coming from. People nowadays have, indeed, altered from past's history. Or was it their real nature within revealed? Hmm...
    That's why, one doesn't have to expect too much from the people whom we regarded as "friends" that is unless if he/she considered your feelings, too.

    all the best and take care,

