My Friend?

by Xx Eternal Fantasy xX   Apr 17, 2007

You always do what you wanna do;
You don't care about me; its your trend.
As if I don't exist, you know its true;
And you dare to say your my friend?

Your words hurt so much,
Pain strikes me whenever we're together.
You used me as whatever and such;
And you say we'll be friends forever?

You tell me things I never asked to know;
I believed you but it was all lies, I hate your tone
Lying and making me lose trust more, that's low
And you ask me why I don't confide in anyone?

As you started using me, my life went astray,
I'm content to end this friendship; I'm through.
From you, I always try so hard to stay away;
Why do you tell me to get closer to you?

You say that no body has ever been real;
Your not real at all, that's what I wanna say.
Making me lie and forget about what I feel;
Should friends make you feel that way?

I give you the best advice I can give;
Telling you what's right, doing it all for you.
Taking time out of my life to help you strive;
And talking behind my back is all you do?

I wonder if this friendship is worth anything;
Wondering if you are worth it, you think I'm slow.
Now I'm thinking of how you mean nothing;
A look into your eyes confirmed my answer as "No".

When you see me cry you ask me why;
Acting like you care, how can you dare?
I tell you its nothing, but I hate to lie;
Would a friend like you actually care?

Instead of making me cry tears of joy to last,
You always make me cry tears of pain;
Tears that are all drying up too fast,
Leaving me empty inside, tears became a stain.

....... And you still say your my friend?


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Vanessa

    The flow was rocky, but the emtions were so strong that it doesn't really matter. I like it. You did a good job. Thanks for the comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Marc Ortiz

    The flow is a little bit off at times but hey.. its a good poem! keep writting! good job!

  • 17 years ago

    by Startle Me

    I feel a lot of anger from this poem.
    I know there's not like any curses
    But it's like you're going to shout the next second.
    It was kind of good.
    It wasn't great.
    The flow was kind unsteady
    It wasn't as consistent as it could've been.
    But all in all
    I give it a 4/5

  • 17 years ago

    by BeautifulxMess

    Woa hunny, worser..yea is worse. I've noticed that the first two stanza's are rhymed with the form: abac. And then the rest is non rhyming. Try and keep your poem with one use. The flow was a bit rocky. I saw quite a bit of grammar errors. It wwas still a good poem. Reflected on how much you think it's rediculous that this person calls you a friend.
    I Like this stanza:
    Instead of making me cry tears of joy
    You make me cry tears of pain
    Tears that are drying up so fast
    You left me empty inside.....
    Keep it up! God bless 4/5