Angels Fall (Song)

by Rhys   Apr 18, 2007

While angels fall from grace
And gods turn a blind eye,
Demonic eyes look up from Hell
Hungrily watch the skies.
Those purest beings' wings are broken
They spiral down wards now,
The slavering beasts below are watching
These Angel's fall so loud.
Down from the light right to the dark
Shattered angels fall so far,
And Hell's legions do watch them come
With feral eyes so marred.

Deepest pits of Hell reserved
For traitors and the like,
Those dark-winged angels learn to fly
Through those huge fires of smite.
Before the fire within consumes
The angels black as night,
Satanic cries of victory
Mirror demonic delight.
Between crackle and roar of flames
Formation of hatred divine,
The warrior angels trained so well
Soon now comes their time.

Dark angels now wish for slaughter
Of Heaven's angelic army,
For when this does come to pass
God will see them tarnished.
The only neutral battlefield
Limbo for a name,
Sets the final battle of war
For light and darkness the same.
On opposite sides of this huge field
Do both armies stand,
To watch each other, waiting
for a single command.


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