
by Krazy   Apr 29, 2007

Despite what she nags about.
despite what she says.
he is perfect for her in more then one way
his gaze will settle upon her elegant face
and the connection felt
was without doubt

no one can compare.
butterflies come only from him
the pain she'd feel if he left
would be unbearable.
the supports he offers
the love she gives
makes the connection felt
without a doubt

she wouldn't trade him for the world
only praying to be by his side
for the rest of her swirling life.
to ask for something so simple.
to be in his arms of warmth
to smile a priceless smile
and see one in return.

the connection they have
with out a doubt
is Perfect.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Spell check! It's important to take pride in your work...if you want people to read and enjoy you...if you want people to CARE about your writing you have to prove that you do. Many people here including myself will over look the poems with slang and misspelled words. Complete words - don't leave 'g's off of words. If you don't take pride in your work and you don't take time to make it what it should be then why should any one take the time to read it and give you feed back?

    this is a very nice that many young girls could relate to..hell everyone could probably relate at some point in time. A feel we all wish we had...FOREVER HAHA Very nice...

  • 17 years ago

    by Angie

    OK, what I would suggest with this one, break it down into 3 stanzas, after the end of each "perfect" start the next as a new stanza. Also, you don't have to use punctuation it tends to break the flow. Try not to repeat the same words, such as these lines:

    no one can compare.
    no one can give her butterflies like he does

    Maybe try:

    no one can compare
    he gives her butterflies like no other

    Something like that anyways..... lol and those filler words again, I know its hard not to use them, but give it a shot......

    Other than that, I think its an awesome write, a love that many wish they had. Well done.

  • 17 years ago

    by brittany

    Your a great writer if ur boy likes it then its great. you write like me from the heart keep on writting.