These Years.

by Brittany   May 6, 2007

These years are supposed to be the best,
They say you'll always remember them,
Most people don't understand that,
And throw these years away.

They waste their years,
Complaining about the people,
They will never forget.

They waste their years,
Crying about a broken life,
Dying from a broken life.

They waste their years,
Playing little games,
Throwing away true hearts,
Bruising them until they can not love anymore.

They waste their years,
Being decietful,
Lying to avoid the unaviodable,
And hurting those,
Who are not blinded by lies.

These years are tainted by decisions we make,
Decisions we are not wise enough to make,
Yet they are presented to us in these moments,
Maybe that's why we never forget.

Young years when looked back upon,
Can often be regretted,
But then a wise person speaks,
And we realize that we learned.

These years are full of awkward mistakes,
Mistakes that help us grow,
Mistakes that can kill us,
And mistakes that can haunt us.

Well, these are my years,
I am going to complain,
About the people I will always remember.

Yes, these are my years,
I am going to cry about a broken life,
I'll try to survive through this broken life.

I'll say this once, "these are my years",
I will play games,
And be played,
I will break hearts,
And have my heart broken,
I will try to patch the many bruises,
So I can love again.

I'll say it a thousand times, "these are my years",
I will be decietful,
And hurt the people I need the most,
The people who know who I am.

I will take these years,
I will make decisions I think are right,
And I will make decisions I know are wrong.

For some time I might wonder,
Think about why I did the things I did,
Why my mind was the way it was,
But I will realize that I learned from these years.

Most of all in these years,
I will make mistakes,
And from these mistakes will rise a new person,
One who has seen consequences,
And one who had lived.

I will walk away from these years,
I will smile when I look back on these years,
I will think of my friends,
And of my enemies,
Then I will say to those young enough to hear me,
"These are the best years of you life."


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