I'm sorry you didn't care...

by .i.am.the.cause.to.all.your.problems.   Apr 21, 2004

Ends that life,
You come to hate,
From what it threw at you.

All those fights,
With family,
With friends,
With lovers,
Were they worth it?
Those petty arguments?

Now I'm not there,
I see them getting along,
Just fine without me,
He's with someone else,
They don't even notice I'm gone.
I thought they were my friends.
DO they care?
That I'm not there?
Should I have done it sooner?

I'm not needed there,
They're doing just fine,
Just fine without me.
Fourteen years,
All fine,
Until it wasn't.
until my faults started to show.

I made so many wrong choices,
I can't undo them.
I chose all the wrong people,
I can't take it back.
You don't get second chances,
Make the most of it.


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