Life really hurts sometimes

by Christy Redding   Jun 17, 2007

Life really hurts sometimes,but its all real!
Babies looking at parents that are drug addicted.
Looking to their parents for strength.
They have no strength themelves.
Mothers trying to raise their children.
Mothers that have broken hearts, tryin to recover,
If they can only get through.
Single mothers that hussle to try to give them all they can
Mothers that were once abused, trying to find life again.
Tortured hearts still torn, crying inside for help.
Living everyday day to day trying to survive.
They say only the strong survive,
but its the strength within your heart.
Its to hard to find,
I try to carry it in my spirit.
My spirit is so strong,
Its the strength that gets me threw.
We're no good on just pride and hope,
It has to be anchor'd
But when theres no where to anchor it.
We need to be rebuilt.
We cant do this on our own.
We need Love, Love is the anchor to hope,
To our hopes, our dreams, our spirit, and our self-asteem
The hurt fades, evenutally we become whole.
The whole person we were meant to be,
This way were hope for the next tortured soul.
That struggles, that cries in silence,
Look around you, your hurts are not always as bad as the next.
We can survive, God doesnt put n e thing on us we cant handle,
Its makes us stronger, its makes us alive, but it still hurts.
We can always look back on where we came from, when we survive.
The road will sometimes we easier, but we,ll no how to endure.
Just love urself, then u can love in return.


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