So Sick Of My Life

by The Black Rose   Jun 18, 2007

I'm so sick
sick of my life
sick of the people in it
sick of all the medications
sick of myself
sick of the things i do
when i am down

sick of the dreams i have
sick of my family
who always pretend
like they know best
sick of my way of life
always cutting, bleeding
always shouting, screaming

nothing to save me from this hell
the blade has already rushed through my veins.
I'm bleeding
slowly but enough to die
hearing the screams of my girl
who sees me there
on the floor
bleeding to death

for i am sick of my life
sick of the things they've done to me
sick of the things I've done
sick of my life
nearly there
but still alive


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  • 16 years ago

    by angelv666

    You have lots of emoiton and feeling in this poem, very nice.

  • 16 years ago

    by Birgit

    Very strong poem indeed. You have the talent of really showing your feelings in your poems, that's good =)! 5/5 again.

  • 16 years ago

    by lost and incomplete

    Beautifull and i think alot of people can connect with the way you feel... well i certainly caan i havent spoke to you in ages thanks for the comment i cant tell you how much you mean to me right now :)( thanks bro ...

  • 17 years ago

    by Topshop princess

    GREAT poem, well penned, so full of emoiton!
    good job ! x

  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Title says it all, great choice and good poem xxxxxx

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