Dark Alleys

by Travis   Jul 2, 2007

I walk down the street,
To find my secret place.
The place where I hide,
From what lies,
In the outside world.

My place is so dark,
So calm and so peaceful,
Full of nothing but fear,
Can you believe,
It once held love?

The alley full of mystery,
The alley full of hatred,
The alley full of darkness,
Yet the alley once held,
My pure bliss.

I sat in the alley,
In days past,
Thinking of her,
And just how much,
I missed her.

I thought that I might,
Have a chance by her side,
But that all changed,
When I saw her,
With him.

If I wasn't there,
In the alley that day,
Then I wouldn't have seen,
Her pushed up,
Against his chest.

The dark alleys...
They are my friends,
Yet they hurt me so.
They taunt me at night,
And haunt my dreams.

Those dark alleys...
Those calm, loving nights,
With her by my side,
Will I ever see a night like that,
With her or anyone again?


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  • 16 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.

    Almost great, but not quite, Travis. There were rocky areas.

    If I wasn't there,
    In the alley that day,
    Then I wouldn't have seen,
    Her pushed up,
    On his chest. [[against his chest--unless they were on the ground?? then thats called explicit.]]

  • 16 years ago

    by Stephanie Naylor

    Ok, i dont really understand this stanza....

    "My place is so dark,
    So calm and so peaceful,
    Full of nothing but fear,
    Can you believe,
    It once held love?"

    I dont get it beacuse at first you say "peacefual and calm" and then say that its full of nothing BUT fear.SO dont you think the person in the alley would be reckless or have anxiety instead of being calm and peaceful. Non the less it was very good, so i give it a 5/5