The Only One

by xArunaex   Jul 6, 2007

Sometimes it seems like I'm the only one who cares,
The only one that still believes
The only one that's keeping dreams alive
The only one that can see past everyone's illusions and lies
The only one that still has all the memories that everyone else has forgotten
The only one mending all the broken hearts and opening them up so they can love again
The only one shedding buckets of tears for others
The only one who still has hope and faith,
And the only one who sees the truth

Countless times, I have cried myself to sleep
Wishing so hard that I didn't exist
Wanting to sacrifice my life for somebody more worthy to live
Hoping that I can somehow summon enough courage to run away
But every time I try too,
I know I can't
Because I cannot leave the ones who love me,
The ones who depend on me and needs me
And my need to prove all who have doubted me
That they were wrong about me

I spend my days writing and letting my emotions
Flow among the pages
As I read books of fantasy and romance,
Letting them take me far away
To other worlds and imagining I was there
But there is just so much I can take
I'm way past my limit

And as each day passes by,
It gets harder and harder to find the strength to keep living
And to find that special someone just for me
But who would really like me for who I am inside?

My past memories play in my mind like a movie with no sound
And I cry missing all those friends that were once a part of my life
And I remember all the lessons they've taught me
And how they had opened my eyes
I smile now, thanking all of my friends
The ones who are true to me and I love them
I never forgot to show how much I appreciated them
Because I know things happen
And one day they might be gone from me one day.

I'm just a girl living in a world of sorrow and hate
Searching for a better place.
But I haven't found it yet
So I continue to dream
Knowing that I can do anything
As long as I never let anyone tell me no
And that my dreams are impossible
Because nothing ever is
As long as I believe
As much as my friends believe in me



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