Ocean of Crimson

by ForgottonUnloved   Aug 6, 2007

Standing in the dark
head bent down
totally alone
was a young girl

On the dark floor you could see
the crimson tears she's cried
they shined with her regrets
they spread with her pain

As years moved on
the crimson ocean grew
she didn't move at all
no one came around

Slowly the girl became a woman
yet she still didn't move
almost like she was forever stuck standing
with her head bent down

Then one day
a young man saw her
and smiled at her
a ray of sunlight came into the room

The crimson started to disappear
her eyes got life in them again
could it be?
Her prince charming?

He pulled her from the darkness
and held her tight
as she blinked from the light
You saved me she whispered

He brought me back from my darkness and he keeps me happier than I ever remember being. I am so glad I found him.


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