The Inner Conflict

by Dustin Stanley   Aug 15, 2007

As I walk in the depth of night,
I feel as if I am being followed,
I turn to see who is there,
No one,
I walk some more,
Again the feeling,
I turn once more to find a man in the shadows,
He rushes at me,
I dodge him and turn,

Adrenaline pumping,
Heart racing,
Mind chasing,
Thoughts that aren't there,

I step foreword,
Teeth clenched,
Fists raised,

I strike,
First with my left,
All it finds is air,
Then with my right,
The most sensitive spot on the face,
The nose,
I fell it break under my fist,

Oh no,
I left myself wide open,
I take a blow to the stomach,
Then the cheek,
I fall to the ground,

He kicks me in the ribs,
Then the face,
After that he stomps on my back,

I roll and stand,
By pure will power,
When I look for him he is gone,
I think back now,
Trying to remember his face,
At first all I see is blur,
Then it starts to clear,
And all I see is the face of my opponent,
And to my horrified amusement,
It is my face that I find staring back at me from my memory,
Then I realize my nose is broke,
I laugh slowly for the pain is almost unbearable,
I continue walking,
Further and further into the night.


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