Do Not Fear my Fear

by kira2   Sep 21, 2007

My fear is for me only
It is a quiet fear, deep inside
It stays hidden away
But sadly, it hasn't died

I felt this fear once long ago
though it dissipated over many years
Then you came into my life
And along with you came back the fear

I tell you my thoughts and worries
I know you think they are weak
You do not have to fear my fear
I just want you to hear the thoughts that I speak

My fears are insecurities
I will work to make them go away
As trusting you gets easier
It will help to keep my fear at bay

I'm sorry for the burden
That sharing my thoughts can cause
Just know that I'lll try to do better
Insecurity is just one of my flaws

But no matter what, know that I love you
Do not fear my fear
Know that I don'tt want to live without you
Know that I just want you near.

Do not fear my fear my love
my love is all for thee
In your heart forever
is where I want to be


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  • 15 years ago

    by mandy

    That was very deep, beautiful and poetic. A couple little spelling mistakes such as "Just know that I'lll try to do better", (too many L's). All of it is good so the only thing to correct are the little things. Very well done, 5/5!!!

    -mandy :)