It Must Be Great

by Illl Keep Your Memory Vauge   Oct 21, 2007

It must be really nice,
to still be able to act like you're in middle school.
To play those silly little games,
cry over silly little things,
& not really feel pain.
It must be great to be able to have friends,
that accept your immature and childish ways,
it must be great to not have to deal with life,
not yet.
I listen to you speak,
oh how immature you sound,
but you're happy that way.
I despise you for the ways you act,
but yet after talking to you,
or being around you,
I feel younger.
It's almost like I'm not me,
when you're there.
You let me forget about the pain,
the numbness,
my past,
and what my future will become...
For those short moments,
I'm in middle school again,
fussing about silly things,
that won't matter tomorrow...
It must be great,
to live that way.


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