The Outcast

by Lilly Tagloff   Oct 28, 2007

In a world where everyone is the same;
they will dress the same,
talk the same,
act the same
and look the same.
One person will stand out.
One person will dare to be different.

The whole world will turn on them.
They will either
beat the heck out of them
or ignore them,
but all will outcast them.

The outcast will not care.
As long as they keep
their individuality,
they will stand
for all the crap
they have to go through.

Everyone else
will continue on with their life,
not knowing
what is going to happen next
because all they do
is follow everyone around them,
because they have no one
to be a true leader.

The outcast will also
go on in life, as well,
but there will be one difference.
They will know
what is going to happen next.
They have no one
around them to follow,
so they make their own plan.

As life goes on,
for both the world
and the outcast,
they will watch each other;
learn from each other;
and start to understand each other.

The world will learn
that being different
gives you an identity,
a meaning
and independence.
The outcast will learn
that no one
can do it on their own,
no matter how hard they try.

Each of them
will understand
the circumstances
that each other is in
and will learn
to simply accept the differences.

Through this you can see
that one person
can change the world.
All they have to do
is be different.
Do not ignore the world,
but do not become a part of it either.

Be yourself, be an outcast.



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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Lilly Tagloff

    I'm not good with layouts...any ideas?

  • 16 years ago

    by stillmomsgirl

    Love the poem but agree with the last person just fix the layout andit will look alot more inviting to read. Great work!=)

  • 16 years ago

    by Janette Bradley

    I like this poem. I like the message behind it and the journey it takes to get you there. What I dont like is the way it is set out. It looks like a lot to read and you can easily lose where you're at. Doesnt make easy reading. I like the wording just not the way its set out.