My Escape

by Katie   Nov 12, 2007

My Escape
Wind on my face
Need for speed
Nothing but open spaces ahead
The excitement building within
The sound of the horse�s hooves on the ground
The horse chopping at the bit
Just waiting to be let loose
To run down those trails without a care in the world
Leaving all my thoughts behind me in a cloud of dust
Forgetting everything at that moment
Only aware of the things passing me
Yearning to get to the end of the trail
Just to see what�s waiting there
The horse knowing exactly where to go
Till we suddenly stop
There ahead is a fork in the trail
A fork that decides me future
Not knowing which one to take I trust my horse
My companion, my trusted friend
My everything
He�s my escape
He guides me down a trail off the fork
Now my complete trust is within him
I am heading straight toward the unknown
Terrified of what�s to come
Knowing my horse is all I have
All I know
And all I need
He�s my escape
To get away from the world
Instead of heading toward the unknown
I�d like to think we are headed toward something else
A new beginning
A new life
A new me
My escape
Feeling the wind in my face
The need for speed
The trail ahead
The excitement of the unknown ahead of me
My horse�s hooves beating the ground
No longer chopping at the bit
Running wild and free
Without a care in the world
All my troubles in the cloud of dust following us
The fork in the trail way behind us
No longer looking back
With full trust in my horse
My escape


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