Never pretty enough

by Alicia Jane   Dec 19, 2007

People always say your so pretty,
but it never seems to sink in.
Im standing there infront of the mirror,
seeing something so hidious,
i cant bare taking this.

i stoped eating then it started to show,
so i ate just to keep yous from knowing.
but i still wake up woundering why i stoped,
cause all i see is someone so unperfect,
and i cant help but to cry.

He started calling me beautiful,
a lie that shudnt of be told.
cause now he wants a break,
and im left standing there,
feeling so ugly and alone.

I cant help but to look,
and see something so bad looking,
so i end up vommiting woundering,
if my looks are the key to it all.
cause babe i love you but,
how can u love someone when,
you hate yourself?


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