Porch Swing (Old)

by Kayt   Jan 8, 2008

She sits on her porch swing
And looks upon the sky
Remembering her daddy
Who was a great guy
If that drunk driver
Was on a different walk
Then maybe her daddy and her
Could have just one more talk
About math and politics
And side-splitting jokes
During delicious breakfasts
Which she ate with both her folks
Why couldn't`t she be lucky
And have just one more day
To be with her daddy
And for him to be OK
She wrote tons of stories
That contained a little girl
One that had a daddy
And a perfect world
Why can`t she be the little girl
Having everything she needed
Then she remembered hearing
That would be conceited
Her daddy was really smart
Very handsome too
The only wish she had left
Was to tell him


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