
About Josie

I am a fun outgoing person

Profile of Josie

  • Age : 28
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : Canada
  • Joined : Mar 22, 2005
  • Last Visit : 19 years ago
  • Poems : 47
  • Comments : 12
  • Quotes : 19
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Josie

  • I saw your car today
    I couldn't bear to look...

  • Isn't love supposed to make you happy
    Isn't love supposed to make you dance...

  • When u called me today
    it brought out more of my pain...

  • Why won't you talk to me are you afraid to know I...
    I always try to speak but yet still no reply...

  • Trapped by your love,
    it grips my heart tightly...

Latest Quotes By Josie

  • I learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper....
    the closer it gets to the end the faster it goes....LOL

    :D not mine but thought it was cool...

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • I may be a FLirT but UnLike some GirLs I LeaRnT how to say NO! ....:P

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • Trying to be someone else is a waste of the person you are...

    Kurt Cobain...

    17 years ago
    0 0