Poems by Emma Carnage

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  • Whatever I say
    You shout...

  • I cut myself tonight
    But don't be shocked...

  • You opened up tonight
    And shared a part of your past...

  • I've given up
    Finally it's true...

  • If you're giving up on you
    Then you might as well...

  • Sometimes I just feel like giving up
    Giving in to all the pain...

  • Today had been a good day
    I was feeling great...

  • I'm waiting for the day
    When hope will become reality...

  • Tonight
    As I gazed in the mirror...

  • My spilt blood speaks louder than words
    Every drop of blood...

  • Plea (4)

    Listen to me
    I won't talk long...

  • All things will end
    The day will soon come...