Poems by Kelly Katherine

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  • My heart struggles with the reality
    My mind is smothered by the truth...

  • I know you believe you are invincible and fresh.
    But your body is made of tissue, bones and flesh...

  • Spend some time
    Let your mind unwind...

  • He needs me
    My role is critical for his survival, his...

  • Swirling winds of concern,
    Sweep across my mind...

  • Suppose you only had a moment,
    A fleeting second to speak...

  • How dare you do this to me?
    Befriend me, take my secrets, store them away...

  • They were young
    Each other’s first...

  • Surprise and delight light up my eyes
    My heart sings...

  • I tried to find an answer.
    I found more questions...

  • Spend me until I am dry
    Emotionally drain me until I am hollow...

  • I had my chance and made mistakes,
    It is over now...