Poems by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

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  • Da boy wanted to talk to me badly on the phone but...
    I am so sorry, boo...

  • Awww! (10)

    You wonder what is this about?
    Well, something I should said awww...

  • A lot of teenager girls are pregnant
    Being young mother aren't easy to be...

  • You and I have fought too much to provoke
    You must probably thought it such a joke...

  • Million of reasons to love you
    Thousand of words kept going through...

  • Baby, If I lose you What would I do without you?
    Baby, If I lose you...

  • Speaking of the past and it is true
    Yesterday is still there...

  • There are deepest heartstrings could last
    The feelings wouldn't decrase like the past...

  • This is true and I witness, and my girl and I put...
    You and I have been together so long, we fight...

  • Babyy (3)

    I like you more
    But I love you too much...

  • You're my favorite baby
    Couldn't say you're the best...

  • Let me write something important, from the bottom...
    Back of the time, I was eighteen and going to be...