
About MusoXDanielle

Hi. My Name's Danielle... (Dani/Angel)
Here's a lil bit bout me!...

Just had my 1st Tattoo... 4/5/08 :-)No it dosent hurt and on your spine is most painfull... well ill tell you its not bad! Mines on my back on my lower spine.... no worries!
Eat something and drink before you go cos you need your sugar levels up!

Im a very emotional person
(been told i have emotional intelligence of someone the age of 60!) Not bad! lol...
Yes, i spose i am kinda Alternate/Emo/Punk, but hey! I'm just me!!
I don't really like labeling to be honest. Everyone is just individual! :-)

Had depression since i was 11-12... Had counselling which was great!! And had a psychiatrist look at me... Niether worked REALLY well, but helped... but i think poetry really helps me to sometimes calm down rather than self harming.
Currently recording my first album and I got into auditions for X-Factor 2008 but unfortuantly im not confident enough yet to go on the show but they said i was good... so ... Currently trying to get a band together as well... I have my first 'solo' gig this Sunday (Sunday 20th April 2008). I love music and everything about it! I have loads of guitars... 5... aint bad for someone of my age! lol... It's my passion, playing and singing...
I have been on the radio in Spain which is where i now live! Was on there today (13/6/08) Friday 13th! argh! haha!
I also love Sports... Soccer/Football Is THE BEST i think personally!
I have played football for:
Portsmouth Ladies, Bognor Regies, Denmead Belles, Hampshire And the school team... But dont now due to a Bad injury. Ligaments eh?! LOL... Been playing since i was 11.
Love All Animals.. specialy dogs and cats! I grew up with them!

I am: Friendly,
Sticks up for people!
Good listener,

Genuine person!

Hope you like my poetry :-)
All coments welcome!

Profile of MusoXDanielle

  • Age : 18
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : Spain
  • Joined : Apr 18, 2006
  • Last Visit : 18 years ago
  • Poems : 30
  • Comments : 153
  • Quotes : 5
  • Posts : 54
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By MusoXDanielle

Latest Quotes By MusoXDanielle

  • I Love you; But It Hurts...

    16 years ago
    0 0
  • Love Is cold and broken, But faith will get you through.

    16 years ago
    0 0
  • The world is full of friends,
    It's just finding them!

    16 years ago
    0 0

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