Poems by Romancing the Darker Side

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  • You've felt the sweet moonlight
    Trickle on past your scars...

  • Yes

    My friends asked around
    We decided we knew you...

  • They say love is for sinners and the ignorant...
    I guess that I'm pretty much dumb...

  • These days seem to never pass,
    They're constant loops of Nows...

  • Queen (1)

    Queen of Spades, Queen of Spades,
    You can pierce right through the torturous raids...

  • Trapped inside eternal emptiness,
    Disdain poisons her ruby lips...

  • Emptiness is an eternal doom,
    She watches the hours tick on by...

  • This time you apologize,
    And expect me to believe it...

  • You glanced across a nervous crowd,
    Outrageous though it seems...

  • Since the day our eyes met,
    I knew it was so...

  • Eclipsed from the warm sun,
    She cries the tears of death...

  • It'll be a cold day in Hell
    Before I ever love you...