Poems by Kayl

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  • Lies (1)

    Its hard to look at you the same,
    when i see you fall, over and over, its like a...

  • I can't say I didn't see it coming,
    that it would happen again...

  • Dead (1)

    Lost and gone,
    can't firgue out where it all went wrong...

  • There's a box in my closet,
    hidden deep in the shadows...

  • 123,
    it's back to you and me...

  • Sometimes it's hard to see,
    what's right in front of me...

  • Thought i was stronger,
    thought it wouldn't happen again...

  • Can't explain it,
    you'd never understand...

  • Please (1)

    Please sir, go away
    I can't stand to see you another day...

  • We sit and ponder every day,
    wondering why the pain isn't going away...

  • Sometimes it's going to be great,
    It's going to be magical...

  • It's like a chemical reaction,
    no time; need some passion...