Robin Auger

About Robin Auger

I live in Gulf Breeze FL, waiting to finally be in the arms of the love of my love, Lcpl Auger, USMC.

Profile of Robin Auger

  • Age : 22
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Texas
  • Joined : Jul 1, 2008
  • Last Visit : 16 years ago
  • Poems : 5
  • Comments : 10
  • Quotes : 31
  • Posts : 13
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Robin Auger

  • We just met a couple days ago
    But to me, it feels like a million years...

  • I don't know what to say to you,
    You mean the world to me...

  • I could cuddle up next to your voice at night,
    I could sleep right next to your skin...

  • You loves as quiet as the sensual kiss you hide...
    Only with two moments of time my heart beat skips...

  • One solitary night when I was lying in my bed
    I could not help but get lost in the things you...

Latest Quotes By Robin Auger

  • We're so arrogant, aren't we? So afraid of age, we do everything we can to prevent it. We don't realize what a privilege it is to grow old with someone. Someone who can love you unconditionally for who you are, and learn to accept your faults.

    15 years ago
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  • You are my everything. In a time of choice and changes, in our struggle to exist, you are all that I require. You're the thought I can't resist. I love you.

    15 years ago
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  • When I first looked into your eyes, all time and space were paralyzed, and in that instant, I was shown a universe I had never known.

    15 years ago
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