Poems by Dani Ward

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  • The Lord is my shepherd,
    i shall not want...

  • A soulmate is always true to you,
    no matter how long you shall live...

  • I've wandered for so long,
    a few billion years at least...

  • Linger (1)

    Lingering in my mind,
    In my heart forever...

  • People take you for granted,
    don't think about you much...

  • Why do you deny it,
    when you know that it's true...

  • I feel the need to write,
    a poem to create...

  • Two men walked side by side,
    down the path of Life...

  • One day i took a walk,
    and left my body behind...

  • Justin (1)

    I haven't know you too long,
    not but maybe 2 years...

  • Boo (2)

    You may not be my true blood,
    but you might as well be...

  • Sis (3)

    We have our fights,
    with kicks, screams, and yells...