Poems by Saerelune

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  • Alive (1) 3

    Every word was a stitch.
    Skin fastened to survival...

  • (You can't race the sun
    and expect to finish unburned...

  • Pixelate (2) 1

    50 likes, 12 matches and 4 WhatsApp conversations...
    I still smile, listening to Camila's 'Dream of...

  • *** This is a poem that recycles bits and pieces...
    All my life I’ve tried so hard to become a happy...

  • My future is a blank paper
    nestling inside a fortune cookie...

  • One day I will be my own happy poem.
    I will wake up with a soul...

  • You are my happy poem.
    The one I tuck underneath...

  • You said you'd run along,
    then you didn't...

  • I write so that I may live;
    live beyond the smothering cocoon...

  • It's like my brain is running
    a clumsy marathon, with one leg...

  • I say I want to place a period
    behind your name, but everytime...

  • What am I to you? A pretty vase
    on a scentless dining table...