Poems by Daylight Lucidity

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  • I watch it soar
    Across ebony skies...

  • When you open up a heart that barely trusts,
    When you spill your soul to someone else...

  • Let me tell you a story
    Of a beloved young man...

  • Under the silver moon
    On this all hallows' eve...

  • I stand on this bridge
    In the middle of two...

  • I woke up this morning, arm reaching over
    To the side of the bed where you'd be...

  • My walls seem to breathe heavily as I lay curled...
    On the black sheets of a cold, unfeeling bed...

  • Have you ever felt like you shouldn't feel the way...
    Like you weren't good enough so you shouldn't care...

  • My mind, one sometimes placid and void of sound,
    Though is capable of chaotic suggestions and...

  • Tick-tock, tick-tock; the sounds of the old clock
    Which rests resolutely upon the brick mantle...

  • It sank to the bottom of the sea,
    At the end of the tragic events...

  • Tomb (3)

    Do you see that there tomb?
    The one which houses my brighter self...