Poems by cassie hughes

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  • Peace shattered as grey stones
    lay amongst the grass, their...

  • Beauty clothed in feathers black yet rainbow...
    lustrous and glinting under sunbeams kiss...

  • Beneath our feet her heart's core pulses,
    shaping time itself around each tiny beat of life...

  • Running through the streets of the soul
    where leaves sleep in tousled heaps...

  • Sunshine weakly returns with
    promises of so much more to come...

  • The journey continues,
    although not for me...

  • I can see the sparkle in your eyes
    begin to fade...

  • In other worlds and other times would
    my heart sing a song of love...

  • Bright light burns away the ink ingested
    after years of wishing dreams could be reality...

  • Caught within a memory, the world continues on
    it's mad rush headlong to oblivion, yet I am...

  • Look at me.
    No, really see...

  • Come run with me across this wild and stormy land...
    and leave behind all memory of cages and of...