Poems by Lauraballz

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  • A child, crouched in a corner, shivering...
    Shadows, cascading down her face, like tears...

  • Unsure (1)

    What's this I feel,
    When you're close by...

  • Is it wrong that you're still here to me,
    Despite the wrath of time...

  • Dancing in the solace of my night-born lies,
    Grasping at the hand of hope reaching through the...

  • Gone (1)

    I found a love that seemed so true,
    It?s over now what can I do...

  • How I envy the girls who seem without care;
    Immaculate make-up...

  • Is moving on still justified?
    Or classified as using...

  • Hold me close when storms break out upon my life;
    You say we need this sadness to appreciate the...

  • Do you believe in Love, I ask,
    The greatest Love you've ever known...

  • Turn myself to another boy, knowing I'll face...
    As fate, it seems, is pointing me...

  • Just one kiss and I am yours,
    That shows how much you know the score...

  • Rip emotion from my being,
    Do it quick without me seeing...