Funny Dreams Anyone?

  • Disasterpiece
    15 years ago

    Yep, we all dream. Don't deny it, you do too! So I'm wondering if anyone would like to share any weird just plain strange dreams they've had.
    I'll go first..
    Last night I had a dream it was Friday and a holiday. On this holiday everyone had to sleep in past 9:00pm. If everyone did when we woke up there would be chocolate chip pancakes freshly made in our kitchens..
    In real life I actually kept waking up, but still half asleep, I would look out the window and see it was still bright. I would say to myself "Oh shoot, it's still bright out! And I want pancakes!" so I would go back to sleep. This continued for awhile and I FINALLY realize it was a dream.. I ended up sleeping until 3:00pm.

    15 years ago

    I have weird dreams all the time.

    Just the other night, I had a dream that would scare the living sh!t out of most people. It was.. horrible. :[

  • Disasterpiece
    15 years ago

    ^^ Ah, nightmares suck.
    But, I do have a rather chilling one as well..
    Oprah Winnfery was fixing her shirt and it exposed her teat! and it was wrinkled and looked like leather!
    To make it worse Dr.Phil was on a hill following a trial of poo that Bigfoot left behind from sliding down a hill.
    I swear it happened, I can't make this stuff up.

    In all seriousness I hope you're dream doesn't linger too longs. Vivid nightmares suck Oprah's leather teat.

    15 years ago

    Oprah? lolol.


  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    Ok, I dreamt I was of these four soldiers (like from a film) and I can't remember what happened, but we started shooting at each other, and I ran away, and before I could get to the door, I THINK one of them killed me. It was difficult to tell.

    And then, just like Halo/Quake/Doom/Unreal Tournament/[insert shooting game here] I was incarnated. Again. So this time, when I came back to life, I knew they were going to shoot at me, so I shot them all.

    Unfortunately one wasn't quite dead, so I shot him in the leg and he fell over getting a knife out, but then he started hopping around on one leg, so I cut his leg off, but then he started shooting at me so I went away out the door.

    And outside were these people going past me, I went back to the house and saw these Chinese zombies lumbering back at me, I scrambled back over the hedge that I swear hadn't been there before, and they came at me and I went back inside the house, and that guy that I'd shot five million times, I think he got up again, and I might have got shot there but I'm not sure cos I woke up.

    On an afterthought the zombies may have been from Korea, but you can never tell with the undead.

  • Disasterpiece
    15 years ago

    I had a dream last night involving MY Grandmother :O
    she passed away 2 months ago
    Anyway, she came back as a ghost or something... And she wanted a jar of peanut butter. So I looked all over but I couldn't find one. She got really mad and started breaking stuff (cue Down With The Sickness by Disturbed)
    It was just so weird and random.
    In reality she would have never flipped out like that XD

  • Liz
    15 years ago

    I had a dream that every 3 steps i took a brick wall popped up and i ran into it o.e. weird.

  • Roxy
    15 years ago

    I keep getting this dream over and over again.
    It's about this weird came site I go to and there is this girl who didn't something really bad so she was forced to sleep by herself and as I was peeing out my tend to see if she was okay I saw this black figure come out wht long black hair it was a bit like the grudge. Then the girl started to scream and the figure took her away and I was to try find her...and it was horrible cause I was like dying and bruses and tossed around a lot stabbed etc etc :s
    And my werid dream of all time is clowns where chasing me then once they aught me they made me sit on a chair holding a knife to my thraot with a plate in my face and they were screaming " EAT THE ICE CREAM!"
    LOLLL xxx

  • Disasterpiece
    15 years ago

    Dude, I'd be like "You don't have to threaten me... I was gonna eat the ice-cream anyway.."

    I had a dream last night that I was on MSN with my friend and he went on web cam and he was doing ballet in a tutu. And he realized I was watching and was like "Uhhh, it's for my sister." and ran away. So I went outside and some girl offered to sell me feta cheese and I was like "B**** I don't want no feta cheese!" and smashed it on the ground and my dog ate it. I then woke up... With a strange craving for cheese.

  • ForbiddenSnowflake
    15 years ago

    I have a weird dream occassionally where Im in a villiage of people and they start poking me in the back. It really starts to hurt. Now I cant stand it if anyone in real life pokes me. Its just one of my weird dreams

  • Liz
    15 years ago

    Last night i had a dream i was pregnant. And then i gave birth and the baby grew like, really fast so it could read and stuff a couple days after she was born. And i named her jordan.

    Think im reading Breaking Dawn too much o.O

  • So Wrong its Right
    15 years ago

    I had a dream where I was shopping with my sister and and old lady zooming past us on heelies

    15 years ago

    ^^ LMAO!

  • FaithHopeNLove
    15 years ago

    Funny dreams, no. Weird dreams, yes. I have dreams that would make the blood in your veins run cold. Creepy a$$ sh#t. Can someone share their funny dreams please? lol

  • unknown
    15 years ago

    Check this one..
    Crazy dream.. :]

  • anonymous lover
    15 years ago

    Lol.. i don't really remember my funny dreams..
    but my best friend dreamt that she kissed her
    boyfriend and he turned into her hahah

  • Krista
    15 years ago

    My sis has one that a ten foot alligator chases her for hours until she finally finds a random spaceship in a bay of thousands of boats..

    I had one I married Edward Cullen, and there was tents and stuff at our wedding and some lady in a tent told me my name was isadora.. then Edward just randomly left, and then im at a bake sale on the street outside my high school, then Edward hops over a red fence around someones yard down the street, and I'm hugging him and crying, he's crying..
    then I got woken up..
    1, I realized vampires dont cry,
    2, Edward had these weird tufts of hair on his head that looked like cat ears....

    not a funny dream, just the BEST DREAM EVER!!!

    15 years ago


  • Dark Secrets
    15 years ago

    I used to have this dream where I'd run away from home, and then lots of soldiers and stuff would go after me shooting guns and helicopers and all. then to run away from them I grab this guy (I have no idea who he is but I seem to know him in the dream) anyway, we run for days and end up in an apple orchard in america... weird cuz we run there by foot and we're in the middle of the gulf sea.

  • anonymous lover
    15 years ago

    I once dreamt that i was a sushi roll and i was
    hunted by the sushi seller...

  • Kaye
    15 years ago

    I had a dream last night that I was pregnant. Scared the life out of me. I woke up and was panicking. My poor boyfriend just about had a heart attack until i told him what was going on. Then eventually he tried to make my dream come true. haha.

  • Baby Rainbow
    15 years ago

    Lol i used to get the same dream a few times and id ont know where it came from, its me at school and we are in assembly, only its in the car park and instead of chairs its the boingy things at the play park, like the zebra on a spring, or elephant etc. such a strange dream

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    I've been dreaming (since I was 14, so over four years) of my kids. They are twins, a boy and a girl. The boy has straight brown hair and brown eyes, the girl has my red hair and it's curly and her eyes are greenish. They are twins, both stunning and every time I dream of them, they are a different age. I'm curious to see if my kids will be the ones I've dreamed of.

    15 years ago

    I had a dream earlier about someone who was trying to, like, kidnap me but he was being really nice and calm. I woke up and I didn't move until I yelled for my mom, 'cause I had fallen asleep on the couch. rofl. :[

  • Poet on the Piano
    15 years ago

    I had a dream I was being chased my man-eating zombies and there was no where to go, I couldn't sleep at night cause they were after me!

  • Misunderstood Misery
    15 years ago

    A few nights ago I had a dream that I was in a mall with my older brother and a few of his girl friends. We were in this new-age vintage store and he was sitting in a lawn chair and we were all drinking and drunk. All of a sudden I stand up and I'm like, "I need to find a prom dress!" I start looking at some of the funky dresses they have and I call over my brother's friend to come look with me. We're stumbling over ourselves and giggling while looking at the dresses. Then we're about to head out of the store and go to another one to look at more dresses but I woke up. lol

  • Misunderstood Misery
    15 years ago

    Oh and I had another dream awhile back that my body was laying in this clearing in the middle of this creepy forest. Apparently I had died. And I was standing over myself crying. When I woke up, I was really crying. It was freaky.

  • Saving Grace
    15 years ago

    LOL. the other night i had a dream that i was at school and it was a morgue but only one set of stairs lead to it. And theres 3 sets of stairs going to the classrooms and i went up the first set which was the ones going to the morgue where there was dead AND dying people. and i refuse to go up them stairs now. i go the long to to my classes. hahaha funnies.

  • Always and Never
    15 years ago

    I had a dream that i was swimming with soem friends and a bunch of sharks came and started eating everyone and they tried to go after me but i could swim super fast so i got away and swam under the water to this cave thing and my husband was there with another girl (his ex) and they were talking and i went up to him and he acted like he didnt know me. cuz she didnt know wbout me, so i started crying and then i woke up and i was really crying in real life.

    then i had another dream that i was pregnant, but a few months later i lost the baby. and when i woke up my friend called me saying she had a miscarriage. it was weird cuz thats what i dreamed happened to me.