All Cutting/Self-harm issues use this thread only - #17

  • Beautiful Chaos
    15 years ago

    I think it is and can be an addiction. It becomes an addiction when you are dependent on it and think you can't survive without it, it is like a twisted love affair. It takes hold of you mentally and physically.

  • BitterXSweetness
    15 years ago

    Yeah I completely agree with TPAM. It's 1 of those really strong addictions that's it's diffecult 2 stop but so very easy 2 start. As soon as u feel like u NEED 2 self harm, that's when the addiction starts. And 4 every1 it's different. So u can't really say when it happens exactly, just as soon as some1 NEEDS 2 hurt themselves that's it. Cuz some1 ppl get addicted when they 1st start, some ppl get addicted about 5 yrs down the road. Every1 is different. But like I said b4, it's when u start 2 depend on it 2 help u. When u NEED it, that's the start of addiction

  • Lethmelodis
    15 years ago

    Yeah, I can safely agree that to many it is an addiction. I personally have never been one for it, but my fiance on the other hand, well, she has a history.

    To many its a form of escape, a form of venting, and, for some, a form of getting attention (only some), and the same can be said with drug abuse, which is obviously an addiction. There's people who pop pills to escape, people who snort to vent, and people who smoke for attention, so it can be considered on the same playing field in many aspects, so yeah, I would definately consider it a form of addiction for some people. Like I said though, I've never been one for it (did it one time, hated it, moved on), so mayby my opinion is a bit jaded.

  • Lauren
    15 years ago

    I am defanitly addicted to cutting. What you said ^ is completely true for me. I do pills too. Luckily though not so much anymore so I'm getting a little better but I cut really bad.

  • Allie
    15 years ago

    I did a very nice little heart on my arm last night, just to remember this weekend. it was special to me, just because i was happy for once...been months since i've felt good at all.

  • Brytanee
    15 years ago

    I am completely & 100% addicted to cutting. It's how I fix things. It's how I get rid of the bad, or even the little things that bother me. Throughout the years, my parents have noticed, I've screamed, as well as cried out for help.. I even asked for it.. But nothing happened.. & still hasn't. My parents don't understand why I cut. Or why I bother with suicide.

    Yes, I have a pretty decent life, but there are things no one knows, & there are things that have been eating me from the inside out..

    Throughout the years of cutting, it has become my only way out. My only way to happiness. I've been fighting with it, on & off. But I never win completely. It has become one of the only ways to get out of everything for me.

    With everything, I turned to cutting. No matter how big or small of a deal, I turned to cutting. I have a problem, & I've admitted to it, more than once, but no one listens.

    Why doesn't anyone listen to me.. They know it's happening, why not try & stop it?! I'm not doing it for attention... what's wrong with me...

  • Allie
    15 years ago

    I can't give the right advice to you, because I still do.
    Last summer my dad threatened to send me to a mental institution, when he saw some fresh ones.

    I don't take pride in them, and some people know. Like a few friends, and my little sis knew i used to.
    I don't really turn to cutting that often, just because i keep an old blade with me. It keeps me from cutting because I'm a perfectionist, so i can't get a clean cut with it.

    If you really do want/need to stop, talk to your school's counselor about it. They can help you, and probably been there too, believe it or not.
    If you think nobody's listening to you, try to speak up. They'll here you better if you talk one-on-one to some. :)
    Friends are there for you till the end!

    If you are addicted(like most of us), then do something else, like write, talk to someone on the phone or in person, or use a rubber band, since it doesn't leave scars, only welts.

  • Pamela
    15 years ago


    Why don't you ask for help? Why do you just admit you've got a problem? The next step is asking for help... People don't know how to react to it, so they think it's better left like that. People usually don't know how serious it is.

  • Brytanee
    15 years ago

    I do ask for help. I mean, I have. So many times.. & now, I'm really starting to scare myself.. Ever felt like you're standing in a room full of people, screaming for help, or just anything.. & it's like no one is there? No one tries to help you, or anything.. That's how I've felt for a really long time.. & lately, things have just been getting worse, with everything in general.

  • Lauren
    15 years ago


    I totally agree. I know the type of feeling you're talking about. Craps just gunna keep coming and coming. You gotta hang in there cuz I've been up and down and everywhere. When you feel like ur in hell it defanitly gets better but eventually it will go back to hell whether it takes years or decades. But I've never experienced that. Wouldn't that be nice...years free of hell. Awesome. I just try to ignore it, but it makes everything worse. Pretty soon I'm gunna have to face my demons.

  • Allie
    15 years ago

    I haven't cut in almost a week
    feels kinda good, but i'm itching to do it again really soon

  • lakitu
    15 years ago

    Try and get through it.... its really hard, but it is possible.

    I've been "clean" for want of a better word for 6 months now, i realised you can't just do one, you have to go cold turkey which is what i did.

    Hang in there sunshine.

    But good luck xx

  • SilentSuicide
    15 years ago

    Oh my...cutting is probibly one of the most horrible addictions to have, but it is an addiction non the less...I started cutting at 10, with lame scars that i wouldnt even considar scars...but with the fact that i WANTED to hurt myself...lied the issue. once the years passed i grew to more serious objects until 2 years ago when i started using a razor and used that devil until about 5 months ago...

    to feels wonderful...but to fight the dmeons of wanting ti tagain....that is the real battle of our mind. anyone can do it. and i encourage any cutters trying to stop to look into themselves and make a promise to themselves they will fight off those demons by any means nessesary.

    This is a pretty big issue now a days for teens; it could be stopped. we just need the willpower.<3

  • Ashley
    15 years ago

    I've been cutting for almost four years now I tried stoping at time but now I just don't see the point like why isit wrong? I don't understand what's bad about it. Why do people want to stop if it feels good shouldn't you want to make yourself better or forget or feed you adrenaline or help what ever your situation is?

  • Beautiful Chaos
    15 years ago

    Cutting isn't making yourself better, it is prolonging a big problem. I would hope if your child came to you, you wouldn't say "way to go honey, that's such a healthy way of dealing with your problems"

  • Pamela
    15 years ago

    Cutting was deffo an addicting to me. When I "needed" to cut, I felt the blood running through my veins and I felt it was just time to let it out again... I even would start shaking...
    Even now, one and a half years later, I feel the urge to cut daily and it's pretty hard to fight it. I know I need to though, because every time I trace a line down my body I slash my parents heart to pieces and I don't want to hurt them.

    Cutting isn't making yourself feel better, it's indeed a way of coping. And cutting isn't healthy, it causes so many bad things... It can cause bad infections, anaemia, it can kill you if you're not taking care of your wounds properly.

  • Allie
    15 years ago

    Omg...i almost bought razors at the dollar store today............
    and it killed me to just walk away

  • Jad
    15 years ago

    Cutting yourself I agree is wrong but I can't say more than that because even I did it at one time. The reason you do it can most likely vary for person but for me it was because of love and jealous.

  • Allie
    15 years ago

    I do/did it because i have anger issues. i bottle everything up, and don't let anything go. the only person i completely trusted years ago with all my secrets left, and i never heard from him again. so what's the point of trusting someone, when they just go away and stop being friends with you in the end, instead of helping, like friends are supposed to? even my ex thought i was a phsyco, and hasn't talked to me in months. if anyone else knew, i'd be screwed.
    it is wrong, and maybe i'm crazy, but its how i've dealt with things since i was 13........

  • Beautiful Chaos
    15 years ago

    "even I did it at one time"

    That's the reason you should speak on it Jad, you used to do it, but you somehow found the resolve to help yourself and realize it wasn't the way.

  • Maddy
    15 years ago

    i've had the urge to cut a lot lately. last year i did the hair band thing with the metal strips and snapped them on my wrist until i had bleeding welts and then i would wrap it once or twice if i could force it that tightly around my wrist and leave it for a few hours until i couldnt feel my hand anymore and it would turn purple. then when i took it off i would have a huge blood rush. i did that every day for about 3 or 4 months. then i started feeling better. now i'm feeling worse again. a couple weeks ago i took a knife and gently cut my wrist. not enough to leave scars cuz i wasnt quite sure how i was planning on hiding them, but just enough to feel a bit better. i dont really want to get addicted to cutting, but at the same time, it seems like no one will take my pain seriously unless they see it as physical pain.

  • Pamela
    15 years ago

    Well, all you have to do is think... If someone would come up to you with the same problem you have and tell you about it, would YOU help that person? Would YOU think: "Gosh, what a weirdo... they've got the weirdest problems!"?

    If the answers are yes and no, then that's probably how most, normal people will react, even if you don't thin they will. It's what I've experienced.

  • Coral
    15 years ago

    I understand wanting people to get your hurting and in pain, but cutting isnt the solution to that. It will more then likely seperate you from those people even more. It's a hard road ahead for you if you choose to start cutting, so why not stop while your ahead. Hurry and find a different route, one with much more gratitude at the end.

    If you need anything, pm me.

  • Ashley
    15 years ago

    Kay I need help. I'm done with this u really am not lying this time. I just done know do I go to rehab or group therapy like where do I go?

  • Beautiful Chaos
    15 years ago

    Your parents, your doctor, the hospital, a counselor, your local mental health if you have one, there are many options out there, if one person won't listen, move on to the next until you find someone who gets it and don't give up.

  • 4EvErMaKeBeLiEvE
    15 years ago

    I stopped cutting for a really long time then i did it again last week. but i must of hit a vein or something cuz everything around me started to go dark and I cldn't feel my legs. i was sooo scared. has anyone else ever ave this happen to them??

  • Coral
    15 years ago

    I've never just said this.. and i dont even know anyone on here.. but i just.. i need help.. and ive got nobody there.. and i want to kill myself..and i cut.. i burn myself.. i.. just.. please..

  • Pamela
    15 years ago

    It could be that you were just freaking out and panicking, because you felt really guilty and bad for breaking a long period without SI-ing. If it bled for a long time, then you may have hit a big vein. Are you okay now?

    Sent you a PM. Be safe *hug*

  • Allie
    15 years ago

    My dad's getting me help now. :)

  • Its a love story
    15 years ago

    I had a friend that used to cut...and i hated to see her that way. now she has gotten help and it is good to see a friend recover from something like that...i am so happy for her

  • Beautiful Chaos
    15 years ago

    "i have a 1 and a half year old"

    As a mother myself, you start putting your child before everything else in your life and think of how you would feel if she learns to deal with her problems the way you have. These feelings exist because we allow them to exist and we wallow in them, instead of caring about him, care about your child and yourself.

  • Love Panda
    15 years ago

    Hi, im IBE and im an adict. ( nervous laugh ).

    ive been depressed since before i even went into high school. when i left school things were better for a time but i still took my anti depressants. i think i have abused my body in everyway i can. i went through a phase of not giving a damn about anyone or anything, then i met my now ex bf and he changed me, in a good way..made me realise there was alot of good people out there. though i was happy enough with him things got a lot worse at home and i started cutting..scratches at 1st but slowly going further than the last, it got so bad were i was lying to everyone and hiding most of my body - im a lifeguard so short t's and shorts are a must, sitting on pool side when the humidity is soooo high and im sweating in a fleece jumper made me realise i needed help. start seeing a shrink which helped me so much, then when my bf broke up with me (because of cutting) i went back to that dark place, was so bad i carved a huge broken heart in my arm, needed medical help. 6 months later and i was back to my "normal"?? self. i try not to cut over silly little things but when me and my brother get into an argument, or i feel several people are ganging up on me at the same time, i hide myself away to do the deed. 2months and nothing - so im happy. not on any anti depresant medication either! woop woop!!

    slowly but surely im getting there, past few years have been rough but ive managed to cope through it - and i say if i can cope so far i may as well finish my journey in life. why cutt yourself short (no pun intended).

    people close to me know about my situation and sometimes treat me like glass. it doesnt bother me, they do what they have to to cope with my issues. though im marked i dont regret a thing. it shows i can be weak as well as my eyes thats a good thing.

    i consider myself to be emotional as i fly off the handle randomly and cry for no reaon sometimes but most of the time im in control. now i just have to figuer out how to be close to people, the world again..i dont do PDA or anything related - so im working on that.for along time i thought there was something wrong with me. there isnt.

    im getting there, and im here for anyone who wants to try and stop. it takes time and a heck of alot of patients. 1slip isnt as bad as people make out. it happens, whats important is your trying to do something about it, to stop.

    Peace & Love

  • YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight
    15 years ago

    I used to cut and if anyone needs help or advise on how to help yourself stop. im here for you

  • YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight
    15 years ago

    In what way have you tried to clear your head?
    maybe i can help
    you not pathetic and worthless

  • xXxemzxXx
    15 years ago

    Hey ive been cutting for 3 years now i stopped for 3 months but then skool really stressed me out and ive cut so much in the last week and a half anyway my mum figured it out and she strip searched my body and found the cuts all over my thighs and is telling me if i dont stop she'll take away my brand new car and at the moment its the best thing i have lol so i was just wondering if any1 knows some good ways to stop cutting?

  • Beautiful Chaos
    15 years ago

    The only we we ever stop is by solving the problem that leads us there, find healthier ways to deal with the pressure and anxiety, go talk to someone if you have to, but don't just do it because you don't want to lose your car, do it because you should love yourself enough to want to do it.

  • YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight
    15 years ago

    Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength.”

    August Wilson

  • Krissymkitty
    15 years ago

    Yah i havent cut for about a year now and when ever i feel like it what i do is think about the people who care about wonderful boyfriend and my family...i no that it would hurt them more to see me like that than it would help i do anything else i can like sing or practice my flute or write poetry...thats what helped me but everyone is different you just have to find whats going to help you the most...

  • Love Panda
    14 years ago

    Hello again,

    just a quick comment before i start work.

    i spent the weekend at my mates new house and her family, there was a moment when i was asked to grab the cat to stop it getting outside and as i did she scratched the hell out of me, and im talking arms, neck and chest. anyways when i came home i told my family about it - even had it on video (a very random moment) but i got the feeling none of them believed me, that they thought i had cut. 1 thing about me is i dont lie anymore - i cant see the point in it.but for them to think i was lying gutted me! when i went talk to my friend about it the 1st thing out of her mouth was ''do we need to talk?" when i used to cut i hid my body but now that i dont i dont. its apart of menow, apart of my past and i cant change that, so i cant see a problem showing my body off.if other people cant deal with the fact bad things happen to ggod people then thats there fault not mine. but again for her to come out with that and not wait for me to talk 1st - i couldnt believe it!
    if im going to cut again im not going to hide it, and it not an attention thing. i want people to know that ive had a lapse - i dont want to lie to them or wait for them to ask, it would be awkward for both of us..

    i guess its a case of ive made my bed now i should lie in it..? i dont know, id like to think people can trust my word.

    hhmmm, more a venting session - i just realised that.
    sorry if just offended anyone, just my current mood.


    IBE x

  • Beautiful Chaos
    14 years ago

    It would be nice if people could out and out trust us, but when our past is full of distrust, trust takes a while to come back around. It is just the price we pay for what we have done.