
About Allie

I love to write what people don't catch about me. Things that I hide from everyone but the ones that read my work. I love my friends, even if they've stabbed me in the back. Family is everything to me, and I would do anything for them. Hiding is something I do. I don't trust many people, not even my sister or best friends. I can be bubbly and fun, just watch your back cuz I pull some pretty crazy pranks and such! Everyone drives me crazy, so I usually do it right back. I'm bisexual, and not afraid of saying that. I love to sleep, and I don't get up until after 9 on weekends. Talking...I could do that for hours, or until I get distracted with something else...:D Comment, rate or pm me whenever! i always answer back. :)

Profile of Allie

  • Age : 23
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Michigan
  • Joined : Nov 19, 2007
  • Last Visit : 16 years ago
  • Poems : 35
  • Comments : 20
  • Quotes : 28
  • Posts : 125
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Allie

  • What makes her head spin,
    her nightmares real...

  • Your words play with the strings of my heart,
    playing them like the keys of a harpsicord...

  • Regret (2)

    I wish I never sent that message,
    the one with all my pain...

  • I'm used to cryin over it,
    I can't stop dyin inside for you...

  • First man to love you,
    second one to break...

Latest Quotes By Allie

  • Yes, we can make it work...not even oceans can separate our love for each other.

    14 years ago
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  • Sometimes you have to let go of things to really knwo the best things in life.

    14 years ago
    0 0
  • Can I really make a difference in one person's life, while screwing up my own?

    15 years ago
    0 0

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