Suggestion Box

  • Larry Chamberlin
    6 years ago

    Terrific discussion folks. I also like Luce's suggestions for poem topics.

  • CJ Maleney replied to Em
    6 years ago

    Posting it and getting it out your head or off your chest is amazing. If someone gets what you are on about then it's even better.

    This is why I joined. It's guts and blood raw.


  • Em replied to CJ Maleney
    6 years ago


  • Hellon
    6 years ago

    More of a question than a suggestion I guess but...when a poet replies to a comment on their own poem is it counted in the number of comments to make them a senior member? Not even sure if this method still applies with the new site...just wondering???

  • Em replied to Hellon
    6 years ago

    I always thought it was praised comments that help us reach senior member status so great question :)

  • Hellon replied to Em
    6 years ago

    Before the site was revamped a member could make a number of comments (not sure how many) and become a senior member that way. As far as I remember a "wow" comment counted back then so...just wondered if a comment by the author of a poem saying thanks (and there are a lot of them now) counted and accumulated into them gaining senior member status??

  • Em replied to Hellon
    6 years ago

    Yes I know what you mean. I'm one of those "thanking" people and to be honest I dislike it now and try to resist. I know the site needed to move with the times but I'd prefer it didn't become Facebookey with the likes and notifications if you get me

    hope that doesn't sound horrible it's not meant to and no offence was intended in this post

  • CJ Maleney replied to Hellon
    6 years ago

    I don't think it does.

    I try to reply to every comment out of respect, humility or admiration. My C doesn't change and rightfully so.

    Sometimes my replies will be very short. Many of you guys have been a member of this site for years, I'm the new ish kid on the block. So it's all new.

    I've never been a member of a poetry site or club before here. Ya know what though I'm kinda happy within this community


  • hiraeth replied to Hellon
    6 years ago

    To answer your question Hellon, nope. The rule was, and still is, you need a certain amount of praised comments, that need to be approved by the mods. You can however write 50 comments saying 'thanks' and earn the bronze C award, but that will not get you a senior member status. :)

  • ddavidd replied to hiraeth
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    I don't think so. Since the new format, I haven't seen even one comment approved by the mods. ( Please show me if I missed! )But I noticed you can get silver, perhaps golds... not only by throwing WOWs at others poems, even by thanking them wowing you.

  • hiraeth replied to ddavidd
    6 years ago

    That's one for starters.

    There's two paths to being a senior member; either having a silver C award (10 or more praised comments) or silver F award (20 or more members have added you to their favourites list).

    Those accounts in questions either have a silver F award, or a silver C award, if they got a simple "wow nice job" comment praised, please bring it to our attention.

  • mossgirl19 replied to hiraeth
    6 years ago

    Mark, I think the awards mentioned should be Blue C award for 10 or more praised comments and Blue F award for 20 or more members have added you to their favorites list. Either of these two will make you a senior member.

  • ddavidd replied to hiraeth
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    Those links are oddity because I am very active reading new poetries and never came across even one praised comment.
    But any way:
    First, I got the blue C ( if it count as silver) when I had almost 200 poems, and it did not make me a senior, though I saw did make others. I got demoted to bronze after I deleted three quarters of my poems, ( perhaps because of all those 'thank you' comments I left on my own poems, otherwise there was not any reason for that to happen.)
    Second the amount of poetry written, or nominated , or HM ed , or winners is a better criteria for choosing senior members, in my opinion, because it promotes being active as a poet rather than putting, a heavy emphasis, on bounding and networking.

    In second thought I am not sure I got silver C, I could be mistaking it with silver P

  • Hellon replied to hiraeth
    6 years ago

    I knew there was more than one way to become a senior member but, obviously I got a little confused over the number of comments needed to get a bronze award and the number of members who had you on their favourites list as the alternative to having 10 praised used to only be 3 when I first joined the site if I remember correctly? Thank you for clearing that up.

    I did notice, from the example you gave, that you can no longer see who praised the comment. Has this been altered so that only the author can praise a comment now or what?

    Also, there used to be a way of telling how many praised comment each member actually had accumulated but, since the 'search forums' choice is no longer available I can't find it. Perhaps someone who knows where it is, can supply the link?

  • hiraeth replied to Hellon
    6 years ago


    The awards come up as blue, but they are called silver lol.


    Also consider the join date, members are senior members from before when it was also possible to achieve senior member by having a silver P award, I would have to double check but I do believe Janis removed that path in favour of the other two since those tend to be generally easier to attain, but don't quote me on that.

    That's a good suggestion, how many poems do you think should be nominated of won before being awarded seniority?


    It used to be 10 praised comments as well, 3 praised comments back than gave you a blue 'c' award. You're still able to praise other people's comments as usual, however you're right you can't see which mod approved the praise and who praised the comment. I'm not sure if Janis excluded that for a certain reason or just foegot. Janis hasn't included a way to see all praised comments by a poet, that's high on our to-do list.

  • Hellon replied to hiraeth
    6 years ago

    It used to be 10 praised comments as well, 3 praised comments back than gave you a blue 'c' award


    Yeah, but you still gained senior member status with a blue 'c' award after only 3 praised comments..right?

  • hiraeth replied to Hellon
    6 years ago

    Nope, it was 10 praised comments as well.

  • Hellon replied to hiraeth
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    No...Sorry...I'm 100% sure on this one. At one stage, 3 praised comments gained you senior member status. I remember the 'panic' by some members (one of them a mod) to make sure they gained the 3 praised comment count before it changed to 10.

    The examples you have left do not go back far enough to prove my point but, I'm hoping some of the older members will back me up here?

  • hiraeth replied to Hellon
    6 years ago

    I did some digging and found this, you're right it was raised to 10.

  • Brenda replied to CJ Maleney
    6 years ago

    Craig, I always try to thank and acknowledge anyone who has commented on one of my poems. To me it's common courtesy. I too have never been part of a poetry site so I am not sure if it's the "correct" thing to do. But for me it is, so I will continue to. I didn't think comments back counted?

  • mossgirl19
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    Mark, now this is where all my confusion starts...haha, lol. I hope the color matches with the award names. :-)

    Frank, C is awards for comments made... if I am correct, the number of poems you have posted will only affect the P award which is for the poems. C award is just for number of comments/ praised comments made...

    Brenda, I have been to other poetry sites and poets usually thank the others for their comments.

  • Hellon replied to Brenda
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    Brenda...if you look at your poem Appalachian Burial (I picked this one simply because it's top of your feature list) you will see that you have 20 comments next to it, 10 of them are yours. I'm not saying don't thank a member for commenting if you feel it appropriate but, I think Janis needs to change things so that it doesn't show up on that tally and, I don't think it should be counted in the 50 comments needed for the bronze award.

    My other suggestions would be...I would like to be able to see who praised a comment and which mod approved it. Bring back the search forums tool...I really miss this one :)

    Just some food for thought :)

  • Brenda replied to Hellon
    6 years ago

    I agree it shouldn't be counted as part of the 50 comments needed for the bronze award either. I never thought it did, my comments back was merely to thank the person that read my poem and took the time to do that. With as many amazing poets on this site and the sheer volume of writes, I really do appreciate my stuff being read at all.
    I also think that being able to see who praised a comment and which mod approved it is a wonderful idea, totally agree Hellion..:)

  • Michael
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    I feel its not important about winning the weekly competition, however I appreciate those who nominate, and all the efforts behind the scenes of judges, taking their time to read and break down all winners and HMS (a massive thank you all).
    We are all so different and diverse, and not forgetting the culture differences. This site is world wide, that's why I love it. It brings such an eclectic mix, as well as age, which blows me away from some wonderful poetry from authors writing amazing poetry, way before I started.

    I read some incredible pieces of art, which tells me so much about that poets emotions, life and experiences. I'm honoured to, be allowed to delve; feeling something about a writer, I have no idea about.

    I have developed over time, with the inspiration and sheer courage of people who post such deepness, opening up an insight and revealing themselves in a safe and comfortable environment.

    Bless PnQ for this way of working a site, open to so much, its wonderfully overwhelming
    And just to say, what I would change, which is important... anyone that reads another authors poem, whether they love, hate or not sure, out of respect should leave a comment. Constructive critique, praise, did-like...etc. I really do not feel its fair to read an authors poem, without some feedback, it should in my opinion be compulsory. I'm sure people read poems and leave nothing, and the writer, has given their heart.
    So I say look at the title, and the author!! And if you/I read leave a word or two....PLEASE xx

    Much love Michael :)x

  • Ben Pickard
    6 years ago

    Comments, however they come, are what keep the site active. The more comments, the better, full stop. However, I agree that 'thank yous' should have no other value than what they are - a common courtesy to acknowledge someone who has bothered to read your poem.

  • Michael replied to Ben Pickard
    6 years ago

    Yes Ben that is absolutely right, acknowledgements are polite and well mannered with respecting any author that has read and left comments for you.

    I've also mentioned before with so many active members, maybe a rotation of nominating for example 7 poets, nominate with each having 5 votes per week. Adding to this, rather than earning a status, request who would like to be a nominator, I feel that there are enough wonderful authors for this to happen, and it open up the reading of people's writing. This is only my opinion, and would not want to disturb the way nominators status is achieved.
    Just an idea

    Much love

  • Michael replied to Brenda
    6 years ago

    Brenda my sentiments exactly. I just could not; not thank poets personally and individually. I'm to be honest not looking personally for awards, it's just how I am. And I enjoy that personal touch. :)x

  • Everlasting
    6 years ago

    Question that came to mind: "what does the bronze award does?"

    My answer (correct me if I'm mistaken): "it doesn't give nominator status. I don't think it makes you a senior member either, then it doesn't hurt if the thank you's are included in that award. After all, the thank you's and "wow's" can be a sign of participation."

    After thought: "Oh wait, does the author replying to the comments, makes the poem be popular for a short amount of time? I mean, does having more comments in the poem even if the comments are from the author, gives more attention to one poem to the point that the poem shows up in the popular section?"

    Then, if that's the case, i agree. It wouldn't hurt if Janis could bring it back to how it used to be, in the sense, that the counter didn't count the poets own comments just the ones given to them.

  • Hellon replied to Everlasting
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    I'm not sure if there's any real advantage to gaining the bronze award apart from it, perhaps, being something next to your name that a member may cherish? How it's gained?..that's my question. Technically (the way it seems to be right now) a member could actually gain this award simply by thanking anyone who commented on their poem 50 times...that is not participation in my opinion.

    As for posting a thank you...well, I can see why some people feel it necessary, myself though, I never go back to check so your thank you would be kinda pointless for me...why not send a pm thanking the member instead?

    I looked at my own profile today and noted that I had under 500 made comments as opposed to some having 2000 or more but then I thought, a whole lot of them are possibly their own comments on their own poems....


    I've tried to base this statistic on members who have joined around the same time as my current account or slightly after.

  • Ben Pickard replied to Hellon
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    But none of that matters, Hellon. You are overcomplicating a very simple idea. People comment, people say thank you. Perhaps the last thing on their minds is how many comments they can accumulate simply by being gracious and courteous. It just isn't something that needs making an issue of. We are all free to express ourselves how we like, and sending a pm is a damn site more difficult and tedious than simply hitting 'reply.'

    *Ultimately, none of these comments/awards are important enough to worry about to this degree anyway - none of us are getting paid. There are simply better things in the world to worry about (indeed, on this poetry site). Just enjoy the site and use it however you wish.

  • Michael replied to Ben Pickard
    6 years ago

    I have to agree with your comments Ben.

    The simple truth is that we have a weekly competition, run by PnQ. I feel the majority of us (as human nature) enjoy a challenge, and there is a competition. But as there is no prizes to be won, which it in my mind makes it that much better. I will not hide the fact it's a nice feeling to be selected on the front page. But just as important are the nominations.

    So all that said, why is it important to achieve awards. I have no idea how this works, and frankly I'm not interested ( now this is my free expressed opinion, without any prejudice).

    As Ben said and I agree, there are far more worries in the world.
    The last thing on here we need is a battle which takes the emphasis away from the beautiful pieces of work on the site.

    Much peace :)

  • Hellon replied to Ben Pickard
    6 years ago

    As the title of the tread says...this is a 'suggestion box' and this was only one of three suggestions I put forward so I don't know why you're focusing on this one in particular. I'm not making an issue of it either, just pointing out something that I personally disagree with but can acknowledge that some, so far mostly the members who do leave a thank you comment on their own poems, will not agree with. Anyway, with Janis AWOL once again, I doubt if any if these suggestions will come to anything anytime soon either way.

  • Milly Hayward
    6 years ago

    Sorry if this comes over as a little contraversal but just an idea...

    Reference the quantity of nominated poems by poet.

    Why don't we just minimise the quantity of poems submitted per person per week say to 2 or 3? That way it gives a better chance for everyones poems to be read and not missed in the flood.

    There have been some weeks for example where it has been difficult to wade through all of the new poems because there are so many other poems submitted by individual poets.

  • Milly Hayward replied to Michael
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    I think it would be nice if a poem is nominated for it to get an N badge because lots of great poems get nominated that don't win or get a HM.

  • Michael replied to Milly Hayward
    6 years ago

    Indeed Milly why not, that may certainly mean more to some author's :)

  • mossgirl19
    6 years ago

    @Miss Hellon

    The farthest one can get by saying thank you is to get a bronze award, which I would classify as participation because this site needs to be, in my opinion, active and by that I meant poets reading, commenting, and appreciating feedback.

    I think comments, likes and views make the poem popular and so it is likely to be in the popular page when it has a lot of comments. This I consider appropriate because more comments mean (including thank yous to it) it is more popular than the rest. :-)

  • mossgirl19
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    @Miss Hellon

    The farthest one can get by saying thank you is to get a bronze award, which I would classify as participation because this site needs to be, in my opinion, active and by that I meant poets reading, commenting, and appreciating feedback.

    I think comments, likes and views make the poem popular and so it is likely to be in the popular page when it has a lot of comments. This I consider appropriate because more comments mean (including thank yous to it) it is more popular than the rest as of the moment. :-)

  • CJ Maleney
    6 years ago

    I had a thought this evening about having a status bar at the top of your profile.

    I know this would be kinda !"social media"! like, so I'm not so sure about the idea.

    The only reason I considered it is I've had a (insert swear word) few days and I've been unable to respond to things as quickly as I normally would.

    I just thought that something at the top saying "really busy guys catch up soon" would let people know I wasn't ignoring their contents and stuff.


  • Hellon replied to mossgirl19
    6 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    The farthest one can get by saying thank you is to get a bronze award, which I would classify as participation because this site needs to be, in my opinion, active and by that I meant poets reading, commenting, and appreciating feedback.


    So you think that a member could just post 50 'thank you's' and, by doing so, receive the bronze award is classed as participation on the site and, therefore, acceptable?

    I think comments, likes and views make the poem popular and so it is likely to be in the popular page when it has a lot of comments. This I consider appropriate because more comments mean (including thank yous to it) it is more popular than the rest as of the moment. :-)
    Yeah...possibly makes it popular but, popular does not always equal good.

  • mossgirl19 replied to Hellon
    6 years ago

    My answer is yes, with the scenario that 50 thank yous are replied to comments/feedback on your works. This means you are posting stuff here, reading comments on your stuff (both good and bad) and replying to them.

    Popular does not always equal good...yes you are absolutely right in this. It's just the popularity of the poem at the moment.