Which do you like better: poems that rhyme or poems that dont?

  • no1important
    19 years ago

    A poem is just a form of expressing ones self. Rhyming is overrated and if you don't use it, it dosen't make your poem any better or worse.

  • ♥x__Pwincess danii//
    19 years ago

    i like a poem that rhymes but only when it needs too like i like a twist of non rhyming it gives it some excitment

  • ŦōüċhÌήğ ỀνĬĽ
    19 years ago

    I really don't think it matters if poems rhyme or not. I like both!

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Melissa he is just as entitled to participate in this forum regardless of his age...

    If you can't handle his criticism perhaps you should leave personally I find him great and cheap entertainment but Mr Pain - excuse me - Mr Plain already knows this...

  • Skueekz
    19 years ago

    I like both as well I actually write both!!! It's fun sometimes to spend the time trying to rhyme but it is also somtimes nessasary to just get it out whether it rhymes or not!!!

  • Ashley
    19 years ago

    I love poems that Rhyme, it takes a little more efford to find something that goes with a word and what line to put it in, also you can even put them in the middle instead of the end like they usually are

  • Finalgravedigger
    19 years ago

    combo and it doesnt matter because writing poems is your emotions and emotions dont have to ryhme but ryhming jsut adds more gig

  • Loneliness Is A State Of Mind
    19 years ago

    IMO, it takes a lot more effort to write poems that rhyme because they are more creative. Thats why I favor them more.

    Although some poems try too hard to rhyme that the poem itself doesnt make much sense. But there are a lot of them that are written to perfection. 99% of mines rhyme anyways so Im used to it..

  • Seductive
    19 years ago

    to me it really depends on the flow of the poem itself, because u can have some that rhyme and some that dont but, to answer your question I like poems that rhyme , but i have nothing against 1's that dont.

  • The Angel of Secrets
    19 years ago

    defenitly the flow.. altough I really like rhymes...

  • ღ.:Krissy:.ღ
    19 years ago

    I kind of like both types. I really like how rhyming poems flow, but I don't like it when people force the rhyme. I also like the non-rhyming poems. I tend to write more rhyming poems, but I don't force the rhyme. I find a word that I can make a good usage of and that I can find another word that rhymes with it that doesn't make it sound forced. I tend to like rhyming ones better sometimes for the flow, but I don't like it when people force it.


  • Mel
    19 years ago

    For some reason, if the poem's about nature or is comedic - I prefer a rhyme. However, if a poem is dealing with strong moral issues then fuck the rhyme - unless it's a random rhetorical device used sparingly

  • StarvingForPerfection
    16 years ago

    I like them both :]. As long as it's a good poem, it really shouldn't matter.

  • njabulo b
    16 years ago

    Poem that rhym really sound so nice when you read but i like both, as long as what you write make a meaning then you can rhym but if you see that its hard, just write what you feel

  • Veamm
    16 years ago

    Both..but i do prefer ryhming

  • Jeffreys Girl
    16 years ago

    I dont think it really matters.. because no matter what. what you write is special to you and it makes sense to you... ryhming just gives it a ring....

  • DarkMurderr
    16 years ago

    I think rhyme because thats reads very good ^^ ..
    lots poems of mine rhymes ^^.

  • Sweet Fragility
    16 years ago

    Doesn't matter.

  • CaffeineBomb
    16 years ago

    I think I prefer poems that don't rhyme, personally, although more of my poems rhyme than those that don't.

  • Sarah Hutt
    16 years ago

    I prefer poetry that does not rhyme, they may not flow as easy but they are still pretty cool, and they have their own sort of musical way to them.

  • Shauna
    16 years ago

    I don't think it matters..some prefer one or the other.. I think both ways can easily express one's feelings or emotion..It just depends on what the writer is most comfortable with.

  • LuVlYlUfFlY
    16 years ago

    A poem that rhymes

  • Rachel
    16 years ago

    I personally like the ones that rhyme more. It just flows better. but there ARE some poems that don't rhyme that are just fine, I think its just harder to make one that can be appreciated for the work that was put into it, its not always as easy to see.

  • Tammie
    16 years ago

    It depends on the poem individually, I think.

    Generally, I think the flow of a rhymed poem is better, but that is probably because it's easier to read and sounds better.
    But some poems I've written myself, and some of the best poems I've ever read don't rhyme.
    So either way, a good poem doesn't depend on a rhyme scheme, but it can help.

  • RobinAnn13
    16 years ago

    Poems that don't are usually more serious than those that do (although not always) I enjoy reading both. It really depends on the writer. Some people can write really good ones that rhyme and some people can't. Same with the ones that don't rhyme.

  • Robert Gardiner
    16 years ago

    I like and am partial to rhyme, but I will admit that some people need to grow in their ability for and in use of the tool/skill. A well written piece/poem is a well written piece/ poem and can be appreciated as such, but what makes rhyming effective is the structure it provides that when done well, it adds to the rhythm and flow of a piece. Rhyming is a craft, that needs to be mattered, and many have yet to, but those who have and are also excellent writers and wordsmiths and can express themselves eloquently, wow!!!