Is Homosexuality a Choice or a Predisposition?

  • Renee
    18 years ago

    Thank ya Ismail =)

    I would like to hear different opinions and facts or personal experiences to back up those opinions would be great. go ahead and say what you gotta say because I doubt I will take it too personally =)

    Being a lesbian, I think it wasn't my choice. I've always had feelings for other girls ever since I knew what "going out" and "liking someone" meant. If it was a choice, I doubt that I would have chosen to be gay, for the simple fact that it made my life so much harder. I had to keep it hidden from the rest of the world since I put my sexual feelings into a label and just recently became comfortable in letting people know. I still haven't gotten the courage to tell my parents because they wouldn't take it too well. I wish It was a choice so I could choose not to put myself and my family through this contradiction.

    I don't hate myself for it, though. Instead, I've learned to embrace it.

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    It's a choice. Here's an example of what can happen for someone to turn gay/lesbian:

    A girl has a boyfriend. Then boyfriend dumps her. She gets so heartbroken that she decides that she will never ever have a boyfriend again. Instead, she goes out looking for other girls...because she feels that other girls will understand her better. And, there you go: a lesbian. It can also be vice versa.

    If someone is already a 'homosexual' at age 10, then I don't believe they actually are. As a child, one can be confused about their own sexuality, and when the child finds out that being a homosexual is "cool," they might subconciously(sp?) choose to be one.

    To sum up what I just said, it's a choice. And I believe that it's also wrong and stupid (and yes Renee, this might cause an argument, but I'm saying what is my opinion).

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    I am not mocking. I'm saying that it's my opinion that it is wrong (being a Christian that i am)..I am not calling homosexuals stupid and wrong, I'm saying their choice is stupid and wrong.

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    That is why i said I BELIEVE

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    And, btw, i respect homosexuals and I have some as friends. Just 'cause i think it's wrong doesn't mean i hate the people.

  • Renee
    18 years ago

    "when the child finds out that being a homosexual is "cool,""

    To be honest, I never thought being gay was "cool". In 7th and 8th grade, I hated myself for it. so...I ask you this...why would I choose to be gay if it puts me through so much stress? I almost killed myself because of the feelings I had. Why would I choose to be depressed and different? thats the last thing I need in my life.

    And there is a point where opinions become prejudice. Your calling my 'choice' stupid. Being gay is nothing like smoking or cutting, although it is killing me slowly. When you choose to smoke, you know the reprecussions. When your gay, what negative outcomes really come from that? besides you biased insults, of course...

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago


    They weren't meant to be insults. I'm saying the CHOICE is stupid, not the PERSON. Everyone makes stupid choices, I know that. I've made stupid choices too.

    And as for being "cool," well some have chosen to be a homosexual because of that. For you, I don't think so. For you I think it was more of a subconcious choice you hardly realized.

    I want to be on respectable terms with you guys, so let's not turn this into an argument. I respect you Renee and you too Ismail, but I'm voicing my opinion on this.

    (And I'm not insulting anyone either)

  • Renee
    18 years ago

    "When a person have desires about someone of his own sex, and persue those feelings then that is a choice. "

    If I chose not to pursue these feelings, I would be living and leading a fake life. I agree with that comment, but it's not like I can just push my sexuality aside and not make it a part of me, because then I wouldn't be me. There are some people out there who choose not to expose themselves, which is their choice, but think of who they become because they hide. they become a victim to society. They conform to everyone elses opinions.

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    "When your gay, what negative outcomes really come from that? besides you biased insults, of course..."

    Actually, I think there are quite a lot of negative outcomes from that. For example, gay people can't have children. If the whole world decided that everyone needs to 'turn gay,' the entire population would die out.

  • Renee
    18 years ago

    Dorotea, I never thought of us as being on bad terms because you like to state your opinions. I don't necessarily care if you like the choices I make or not, and either way I am still willing to be friends with you.

    This is more of an intelligeint (sp?) disagreement to me than an arguement.

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    Yes, it's the same to me. I'm glad that we're on good terms. I just wanted to make sure that it stays that way too.

  • Renee
    18 years ago

    "If the whole world decided that everyone needs to 'turn gay,'"

    I highly doubt that would ever happen.

    And I would be willing to take in ALL the little children whose mommies and daddies left them out in the cold. There are plenty of children out there who need homes, so I'm not really worried about the human race becoming extinct because the gay population 'took over'.

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    Yeah, i was kind of being sarcastic there 'cause I also highly doubt that ;)

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    To keep our discussion going, here's something else:

    I think homosexuality has been molded into society. People believe that they are born that way, and then, without questioning, they follow that path. I'm sure everyone is confused about their sexuality sometime in their life, but actually, everyone is born straight and meant to be straight. It's just that if someone has the slightest feeling of doubt on if they like guys, they decide they're a lesbian or vice versa.

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    Well, I'd say the feeling is so called fake. It isn't really there, but whenever people are confused about themselves, in any way, they tend to question their sexuality too. If they've ever looked at someone of the same sex and thought "wow, he/she looks great!" then they immediately think that they must be gay.

  • Renee
    18 years ago

    I agree that homosexuality has been molded into society. Some people make it their choice and become gay to fit into the rebellious label.

    As for everyone being born and meant to be straight, thats where we differ. How does this whole 'sex-makin babies' thing work if you're not sexually attracted? I'm personally not attracted to the male body so I would find it hard for me to be enticed and willing to get in bed with one.

  • Renee
    18 years ago

    "wow, he/she looks great!" then they immediately think that they must be gay."

    whoa, big assumption there.

    I've said that about a lot of women, but most of them I was not exactly sexually attracted to. I agree that some people may think that way but usually not most.

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    Haha, what you just said made me laugh. I have to agree that a penis doesn't look that great, but the thing is you might not have found the one true guy who you will love.

    For me, any guy who I don't like looks pretty gross (hehe, well sort of) yes it is weird imagining being in bed with someone who you're not attracted to.

    But just because you haven't found him yet doesn't mean that you are a homosexual.

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    I was using "wow, he/she looks great!" in general. i didn't mean exactly those words, but what you're thinking when you say something like that or think something like that.

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    I have heard so many girls so I'm going to be gay since I can't find a good guy and actually have. My finace's sister and niece have both been "gay" but it was just a phase for them. His sister is now pregnant. This is tough since so many say it's just how they were born and others are gay for fun.

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    Yeah, that's true.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    It's definitely predisposition. Some men or women have a gene or cross wire that makes them attracted to the same sex. Just like paedophiles cannot help their attraction, neither can homosexuals.

    It's definitley choice. A hetero friend of mine was raped in uni and is now a lesbian, preferring the safety and comfort of girls.

  • Jenny Sys
    18 years ago

    I think that it is a predispositon, BUT it's their choice to act upon it in a way. I mean they could just go with the rest of society and be the "norm" but then again they choose to act upon their feelings.

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    I agree with Jenny on this one. I think that it is a predisposition, but you choose whether to act on it or not.

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    If that's how you were born then how could you choose to act on it if that's just who you were?

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    Natalie: A person may have a predisposition to alcoholism. Yet, they choose whether or not to indulge in alcohol. The same applies to homosexuality in my opinion.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    outstanding answer.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    A cogent example would be vicars/ priest who abstain from sex. (not a chance for all the child abuse bs, this is about the worthy clergy)

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    I do understand.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Yarrrr, knew you did. Just thought I'd add an example linked directly to the subject. Not insulting anyone's intelligence.


  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    OK. Now the flip side, their choice to abstain from sex is also what leads them to sexually abuse little boys, and it is also said that 50% of all priests and vicars ARE gay.

    I believe that being gay or straight is a predisposition in many cases but I also believe that traumatic experiences can lead to confusion of what sexuality one is, meaning that someone who is sexually abused when they are young or just have bad associative relations with the opposite sex, it can lead them to feed into being homosexual or bisexual when they were not disposed that way naturally.

    Many gay people would choose to be straight if it were as simple as choosing their sexualities, whether they indulge in sleeping with people of the same sex is a CHOICE, like abstinence, but they will still be homosexual because they will be attracted to their own gender, and it will be their sexual preference. They would just be abstinent homosexuals, just like abstinent heterosexuals, yet that doesn’t take away their preference.

  • Ð맆îñ¥
    18 years ago

    I'm not gay so i don't think i could ever understand to be honest. I would guess it to be a Predisposition

    because most people who are gay have to go through all these peopl that just make life hard for them, in my opinion. If i had a choice and did not already know i know i would choose the way i am because there's less hassle but being gay is just something the person knows about themselves. there is no question. Even if you deny it, its always there and that person knows

    I apologise if i am completely wrong because as i have said i would not know.


  • InMyWorld
    18 years ago

    note: only read 1st 3 posts...

    i say predisposition because of this: people CANNOT control who they are attracted to...we don't know why we are attracted to certain people or attributes, we just are. for example, there's a room full of guys and half are blonde, half brunette...for some reason, i like the brunettes. nobody knows why this is my preference but it is and i was born with it. its the same thing when one person finds someone good looking, but their friend finds the person to be ugly. you can't choose who you're attracted to...just like you can't force yourself to like a certain thing. same with people liking food...we each have different tastes and we dont know why, we were born that way. do you see my point?

    BUT...i have to add that it IS a choice to act on these predisposed feelings.

    and Dorotea, you are being ignorant and rather rude...don't judge something unless you can back it up.

    also...the reason the whole world has not "turned gay" is because its not a choice! we were each born DIFFERENTLY and we can't control what we were born with. if we could choose our sexuality, im sure the homosexuals would choose to be straight to avoid people telling them that their life is a stupid choice.

  • pinkalias
    18 years ago

    dorotea=fucking idiot

    that was a while ago, just wanted to add that before i get into this

  • Lipton
    18 years ago

    I agree with Amanda. Being homosexual is more of a choice than anything else.

    Being a Christian, I believe because of the taint of sin, some people may become gay, but it's still their own choice. Everyone has the capability to ask God for help in controlling homosexual tendencies, and, if you're sincere, He will help you. God would not put a sin in your life that you could not control in some way. No, no one has the ability to be perfect, but, at the same time, no one has the inability to overcome their sins. And to those wondering, I do believe homosexuality is a sin.

    That is a Christian point of view.

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago


    why are you calling me a "fucking idiot?"

    I'm not insulting anyone. I'm simply stating my opinion on this. Being a Christian, I also agree with Lipton.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    Pink lacks tact.

    Dont take it personally.

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    Okay then =)

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago


  • EoB
    18 years ago

    seems so...