ive discovered something

  • gasping for air
    19 years ago

    hey guys.. i jsut figured something out for myself..... its hard for me to put in words but ill try,..... so here goes..... i think that if you put all of your feelings about something in a poem, every last one, and your good at expressing your feelings, thats what makes a good poem.... another thing i think is that poems are like a diary of sorts for a lot of ppl.... a lot of ppl write about whats going on in their life, or how they feel about someone or something..... so what do you think? am i right or wrong?
    Manda Lynn

  • Jackie Prahl
    19 years ago

    ya you are right every thing I write is happening or has happened and I try to express myself in it the best I can some friends like them others dont not so sure if they are good

  • Rafael Navarro
    19 years ago

    correct thats how a poem should be written. you should let your feelings flow from your soul through your hand and into the pen or in this case keyboard

  • *Elizabeth*
    19 years ago

    Wow! I totally agree!! I think its so amazing when people write from their heart and soul, its so beautiful. It is like a diary, I know thats how I started writing poetry.
    much love

  • My Obsεssion
    19 years ago

    Very much so right. A lot of my poems are written about things I've gone and/or are going through or how I feel at the moment I'm writing them. I also do believe that what makes a good poem a lot of the time is that amount of emotion you can feel in it.

  • don mohr
    19 years ago

    If that was possible, yes i believe it would make
    a hit movie for the big screen. but pseudo is
    fake and suds wash the dishes-part of my next
    anthem, or poem. Comedians write poems too girl
    and we keep them twinklin stars bright! Keep up
    the faith-it shows in your message...

    19 years ago

    If you think about it, that's very true. Even famous people like Kurt Cobain kept saying the their songs weren't personal, but skip forward in time and it is personal. I guess some people do this without realising it. Peace, love and empathy.
    -Belle Misericordia

  • xX Toxic Cure Xx
    19 years ago

    your totaly right....every good song, poem, whatever comes from the heart...otherwise its just a bunch of bs put into words and doesnt sound too good

  • deadnalone
    19 years ago

    very true. i've always wondered why i couldnt rite a diary but now i gess i kinda am from all the poems.

  • deadnalone
    19 years ago

    Exactly the same as you beki lol.

  • StarvingForPerfection
    16 years ago

    I think youre right. all of my poems are written to express my feelings.

  • X l i l T a n i X
    16 years ago

    Yes you are right

  • Rachel
    16 years ago

    You're totally right. Although not EVERY poem that you write that you pour your emotions into is always going to be good, it takes talent and time and a lot of effort, however I DO think it really helps to have some feelings to go along with the poem and make it flow more naturally and it usually helps people to be able to relate to the way you are feeling. Yeah, I really think that poetry (depending on what you are writing about) is like a (public, if its on this website) diary. It just takes more thought to put in rhymes and what not. But its definitely a great place to gather your thoughts and feelings to make something beautiful

  • LuVlYlUfFlY
    16 years ago

    I think that ur rite for many ppl its like a diary

  • xXMohawkedMahemXx
    16 years ago

    I think your very right... =]

  • The Angel of Secrets
    16 years ago

    You are absolutly right

  • Gary Jurechka
    16 years ago

    Yes, I agree. In fact I came to this same conclusion years ago. I've not only kept all my old poems (i always write everything (rough drafts, notes, etc.) in notebooks and saved them-even the early terrible stuff. I've also tried (unsuccessfully) to keep a journal over the years. In fact, in a topic/thread similiar to this I posted something to the affect that reading my poems '......... shows me where I was, Where I am, and perhaps even, Where I am going', or reading my poems shows me "Who I was, Who I am, and perhaps even who I will be",--something like that. And it does, it shows me how I thought and felt and where I was physically, mentally, spiritually, etc. at different points in my life. Sometimes re-reading my old poems reminds me of things I'd learned and then forgotten, so it is a good way of reminding myself. Re-reading my poems now and then really is kind of an autobiography in verse.. It is sometimes amazing to see some of the early stuff and whaere I was and what was going on in my life compared to now. Some things change and some things seem to be the same. each poem, good or bad is a past of me.

    Peace, Poetry & Power,

    Gary Jurechka

  • TinyDancer46
    16 years ago

    I agree 100%!

  • fearose
    16 years ago

    Poetry to me is like an expression of your feelings. It doesn't have to be that way though. I think you made a good discovery. :]

  • ari
    16 years ago

    This is weird for me to admit, but i haven't felt half of what i write about. i don't know if this means i am a bad writer, or if i can just visualize things really well. but i always find that the poems i mean and have experienced are always better than the others. so i guess that means you're right :) people who put their feelings into their writing write better.
    but i guess it also depends on their ability to use language and styling to get their point across. if you can't do that, you're pretty much screwed.

  • fearose
    16 years ago

    That doesn't mean you're a bad writing or your poems are less, you just have a different way of writing.

  • Alex D
    16 years ago

    This isn't true because 98% of my poems aren't based on personal experience but exist because of random inspiration received through music or situations.

  • leena
    16 years ago

    I totally agree with u!