Youre best work of all times

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    *Closed* *Closed* *Closed*

    This time I want you to post youre best poem of all times. I think we all have our favorites so I would like to read them.

    It has to written by you.
    It has to be youre favorite.
    It has to be a poem, rather than a song or lyrics.
    No explicit or profanity.


    This time I will anounnce 5 winners who will all get 5 comments each. I always think its hard to decide who's best so this time there won't be one winner, there will be five.

    Edit: I will close it after 30 poems, I think well stop there

  • Synh
    18 years ago

    Without You, I'm Nothing

    Part of me died
    My heart stopped beating
    Thoughts quit racing
    Life lost its meaning

    I think back to that time
    That most horrific day
    When I broke your heart
    And threw our love away

    You are far from me
    Gone is our love which was true
    I miss your soft touch
    I miss my world that is you

    Now I wake from slumber
    Realizing it was all but a dream
    I look around to find you
    But the mirror reveals only me

    I hope to find you now
    Before your goodbye sings
    I realize now I need you
    Without you, Im nothing

  • Alex xxx
    18 years ago

    Why is life so hard.

    Thinking back on my life it makes me wanna cry.
    But now i try and hold my head up high.
    My dad treated us very badly.
    How could he do what he did to his own family.
    The marks on us may be gone.
    But the memories we have are still strong.
    All the times we would try to hide.
    Until the day he committed suicide.
    My mum pulled us through when we were sad.
    And has even found us a excellent dad.
    But now I'm an adult things still go wrong.
    Why can't i just be strong.
    I found a guy who made me happy.
    We even started our own family.
    But as the years went by.
    All i wanted to do was cry.
    I only want to be treated well.
    Not like I'm living in hell.
    Now it feels like there all out to get me.
    I think I'm kind and loving why can't they all see.
    Are all the guys out to hurt you?
    thats how i feel thats for true.
    I hope one day that one will see
    That here i am to the best i can be.

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    By the way I changed my name to Wings of an Angel, so you don't misunderstand that its me judging.

  • Tisha
    18 years ago

    What Makes The World Go Around?

    by Tisha

    What makes the world go around?
    Is it money, the wealth and ritches you have found?
    What makes the world go around?
    Is it love, someone you love saying they love you to, is
    it the precious sound?
    What makes the world go around, is it money?
    Or is it love someone saying I love you more than
    anything else honey.
    What makes the world go around, is it money in your pocket?
    Or is it love, a picture with your love one beside
    You in your locket?
    What makes the world go around is it money, living
    in a big fancy house?
    Or is it love spending the rest of your life with
    a loving spouse?
    What makes the world go around, is it money driving
    around a big fancy car?
    What makes the world go around is it love, having
    someone to lie beside you underneath the stars?
    Money can by you all the ritches on this earth
    But love and without love what is your life worth?

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    ~Postpartum Deport~

    A relationship bound by the court,
    two parents yearning to abort.
    One child's postpartum deport,
    a life, from the start, out of sorts.

    The help of two elders, they sought,
    a custody battle, never fought.
    Drug addict parents, got caught,
    important lessons, never taught.

    A baby that was left behind,
    consequences of a legal bind.
    A lifestyle of a different kind,
    viewpoints from a distorted mind.

    A family separated by years in time,
    a life with a different rhythm and rhyme.
    Two people, making up for another's crime,
    always living off of their last dime.

    A difficult situation from the start,
    a unique picture, of an unpopular art.
    A family, nearly torn apart,
    two grandparents, certainly, off the charts.

    An unwanted boy, now full grown,
    held together by seams, left un-sewn.
    Approaching life with a whole different tone,
    hoping, some day, to live life on his own.

    ~Sean Dohr~

  • swill
    18 years ago

    another heartbreak, another unrequited story, another unfinished dream. this poem is about how i loved this one girl in my class, and i told her, and she started ignoring me. then it hurt too much to even walk upto her and talk to her....i guess you'll never be able to completely understand how it feels when you love someone who loves someone else...but we two could convey it to each other in...
    Just A Glance
    Things were better previously
    Each time you smiled mischievously
    But now it just gets on your nerves
    Why is this road plagued with so many curves?

    Every time we walk past
    Acting in the strangest ways
    One look into your eyes
    Is enough to ruin my day.

    The doorway`s too small for two to pass
    I step aside, gentlemen last
    A frozen look into your eyes
    Rekindles all those extinguished cries

    I look at you and you look at me
    Straight into those white eyes I see
    So why do we just walk past each other?
    Why do we pretend that we don`t bother?

    Its only just a little glance
    But its the pain of my unrequited romance
    Then you look ahead and I look to the ground
    As I walk past quick, without a sound

    You look ahead and smile at Stuti
    Oh that pretty smile is killing me
    My smile fades away and I want to cry
    But for now, I guess I`ll just walk by

    I stop ahead, knees feeling weak
    If I could only smile at you and speak
    my mind goes blank, I cannot think
    I may cry anytime now, I`m at the brink.

    But every agonizing tear I cannot cry
    Will be illusioned to be a twinkle in my eye
    Now arm in arm, a couple stands before me
    Why is it that all I have is your memory?

    But I just have to see the silver line
    That even if things will never be fine
    The time I walk past you again
    I`ll be a little more used to taking the pain

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    Starlight Night (Reprise)
    by Italian Stallion

    Starlight night
    shining ever so bright
    take my hand
    by the calmness of the moonlight

    As we walk
    hand in hand
    I ask you this
    as you look at the stars

    Will you be mine?
    I know I've waited a long time
    come with me
    I have something to show

    Sit here in the ever so soft
    light of the night
    look at the stars reflection on the water
    as I seek you with this soft melody of mine

    I glance at you
    as you look at me
    our eyes meet
    and we can't separate

    I start to play that soft melody of mine
    as you sit and sip your wine
    we start to intertwine

    your warmth next to me
    listening to the sea
    I can't help but to agree
    This is the place to be

    you make me feel so right
    on such a beautiful night
    being here with you
    is such a delight

    As I turn to look you in the eyes
    you say "you are not like all the other guys
    that people speak of
    you are one of a kind."

    © Copyright 2006 By: Italian Stallion

  • Void
    18 years ago

    Well, I don't actually know which one is my best. I'm a little bit proud of my other ones aswell, but this is my newest - which means, at the moment, it's my favourite. So here goes:

    And We'll Dance
    By Stefhy

    Stars of imagination, being reborn above
    As the moonlight shines, where we will dance...To celebrate our love.

    We sway in the winds,
    And float atop clouds.
    Only one heart beat heard,
    It's our heartbeat now.
    Caressing you tightly, embraced is your soul,
    For it's yours that has always kept my own whole.

    The smell, the warmth, the strength of your touch
    (but even your strength, is delicate enough.)
    A beauty so faithfully stuck in love's grasp
    I pray to Forever, 'make tonight last'
    But Forever replies, with memories reflection
    As I remember that this, is imagination's deception.

    So breathe in slowly,
    And I'll open these eyes.
    I'll breathe in slowly,
    I don't want to cry.

    Stars of imagination, will soon decay.
    But under the moonlight, is where we'll stay.
    This dream may be over, but love is our chance,
    For in my heart forever, is where, together, we'll dance

    © Copyright 2006 By Stephanie Mclean

  • Moose
    18 years ago

    A Final Prayer

    By: Bryce

    A slow rolling tear
    Falling down his cheek
    As he stood over her bed
    he began to feel weak

    He couldn't believe it
    No way this was true
    He couldn't live without her
    He wouldn't know what to do

    He dropped to his knees
    At the head of her bed
    Looked up to the ceiling
    Crying he said,

    "Why'd you do this god
    Why'd you take her from me
    I need her so much
    Why can't you see

    It can't end this way
    No, she can't die
    God please don't do this
    I can't say goodbye

    She can't go away
    Not here, not now
    I'll do anything to bring her back
    Please just tell me how

    Take the life from me
    Take my heart and soul
    God please bring her back
    I don't care what the tole

    Take the blood from my veins
    The breathe from my chest
    I don't care if I die
    Just put me to rest

    God please listen
    The pain is to much to bare
    Her life will end real soon
    If at all you care"

    He stopped speaking for a minute
    As she layed there dying
    The only sound to be heard
    Was of the teenage boy's crying

    His tears crashed to the floor
    As he barely made a stand
    He reached across her body
    And held her hand-in-hand

    As he wiped his eyes
    He couldnt understand
    Whyd this have to happen
    Whyd it have to end?

    He had one last thing to do
    As he watched her lay
    He had one last minute
    One last thing to say

    "I have one more thing to ask
    a favor, God, from you
    If you are going to take her
    Can you please take me too?"

    Again he fell to his knees
    Not knowing what else to say
    He held her hand tight
    Not ready to give her away

    But then he heard the monitor
    Beep for the final time
    And after that, all to be heard
    Was the single flat line.

    He let her hand go
    And kissed her on the cheek
    As more tears came to his eyes
    He prayed they'd soon meet

    Although she is in heaven
    Past the clouds and above
    They could deny him her body
    But not their love

    And when he gets to heaven
    He will soon see
    She will be waiting
    To be together...Eternally

    (C) 2005 Bryce Dressler

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    hmm i had a heard time picking, but i really like this one:

    Story of A Friend Of Mine
    By: ~*Who Cares?*~

    Broken girl, empty heart and mind,
    Wishes she couldn't see you, wanting to be blind.
    Broken heart, best friend a razor,
    Doesn't like herself, so she becomes a poser.

    Bleeding wrists, from endless tears,
    That have remolded her through the years.
    Puffy cheeks, blood shot eyes,
    All because of your lies.

    Lost voice, cannot speak out,
    Sometimes wants to, but is overcome with doubt.
    Lost smiles, with so many fake laughs,
    Her depression has left the graph.

    Tears of blood, streak her face,
    She gives up in this race!
    Tears of loss, tears of sadness,
    Thinking people couldn't really care less!

    She goes off to die, alone and in pain,
    At her funeral they state she wasn't sane.
    She knows that she was, she just gave up with life,
    So she used her friend Mr. Knife.

  • Lisa
    18 years ago

    This is my favourite one of all time.


    I saw the little girl pass by,
    Her fathers hand she held,
    In her grasp a tiny rose,
    As on the past she dwelt.

    Some people say she never knew,
    Why they were there that day,
    Or why some cried with saddened tears,
    Nor why they dressed that way.

    As they stood around the grave,
    Roses held in hand,
    The priest he said his holy prayer,
    Together they did stand,

    One by one they gave the flowers,
    And said their last goodbyes,
    Then walked away with broken hearts,
    with tears swelled in their eyes.

    The little girl, she was the last,
    To bid her last farewell,
    She dropped the rose into the hole,
    Then on her knees she fell.

    You can not go and leave us,
    We'll be left here alone,
    what happens when I've finished school,
    And your not their at home.

    Who is gonna brush my hair,
    And plait it like you do,
    You just cant turn away from us,
    You know we all love you.

    I want you to return to us,
    I promise I'll be good,
    I'll not give you cause to shout,
    Again I'll not be rude.

    Her father came now to her side,
    And gently touched her face,
    Your mum is so much happier,
    She's gone now to a better place.

    Its just not far now daddy,
    God knows how much we cared,
    All I have is memories,
    Of happy times we shared.

    I know it hurts my child,
    But she hasn't gone away,
    She's just a little further now,
    But by our sides she'll stay.

    They walked away together,
    As I stood watching near,
    My husband and my daughter,
    The ones I loved so dear.

    Take care, Lis

  • Loulou
    18 years ago

    This is not goodbye
    by Tabby

    Crying by his bedside my tears flow endlessly
    I held his hand so tightly never wanting to let go
    Trying to not think about what is about to be
    I look up at him trying to not let my sadness show

    His eyes are closed his breathing is slow and heavy
    I run my hands through his thick, dark, brown hair
    His handsome face is so pale with the color gray
    That I begin to cry even harder thinking it isn't fair

    Sickness is taking my true love away from me
    Draining away his energy happiness and light
    But not stealing our love away from each other
    That is the one thing that he was able to fight

    His eyes slowly open and he turns toward me
    He smiles a weak smile and touches my cheek
    I feel myself breakdown and burst into sobs
    trying to say don't die but I could no longer speak

    he grabs my hand and pulls me to him
    reaching for my face he brings me into a kiss
    then he hugs me with such a weak embrace
    I hug him so tight never wanting to end this

    Suddenly he lets go I pull myself slowly up
    He looks at me with such sadness in his eyes
    "I love you sweetheart"he says to me
    "I love you but there will be no goodbyes"

    "I love you to" I sob into his shoulder
    I lay on his chest hearing his heart as I cry
    I feel his breathing slowly fade away
    As i sob to myself I say "its ok this is not goodbye".....

  • Tammy
    18 years ago

    Awesome poem Bryce :)

  • PS
    18 years ago

    not my best written, i dont think, but def my fave:

    A female knight hides in the night
    to keep herself from detection
    sword by her side, ready to fight
    she waits for her secret lover

    the moon's rays fall on the oak while
    a female knight hides in the night
    glittering fairy dust surrounds the sight
    the scent of jasmine blesses the air

    the lady breathes deep and glances about,
    leaves whisper and twigs crack as
    a female knight hides in the night.
    a young man thief steps in the moons light

    obsidian hair and envy's eyes stolen
    comes up close and steals the lady's sword
    and with her lover's kisses and held by arms
    a female knight hides in the night

  • PS
    18 years ago

    oopps double post

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    *when is this gonna be judged?*

    Barbie doll shoes
    by Wax Kalling

    Barbie doll shoes
    fallen behind the shelf
    clippings of blonde synthetic
    plastic hair
    scattered memories
    still here
    reminders of what was
    who I used to be

    reaching out is tiresome
    when no one wants you
    to reach them
    loved by all the wrong people
    feared by the rest

    best friends
    were Barbie and Ken
    My Little Pony
    Cabbage Patch Kids
    and Care Bears

    who do you talk to
    when only your
    stuffed animals care

    acting out and instigating
    brought Hell on myself
    to prove that I exist

    I was hurting
    from years of abuse
    angry and sad
    manic-depressive reactions
    tearing off dolly's heads
    to relieve stress
    because no one would listen
    everyone just had an opinion

    all I ever wanted
    was some one to say
    "I understand"

    all I need is a friend.

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    wait..u didnt say how many poems were gunna b entered b4 u close it or how long the time limit is..n now im curious

  • Kaylee
    18 years ago

    The Military Man

    Too much seen through cloudy eyes,
    Of which I should never myself see.
    Entwined sadness roping your heart.
    I can not stop what continues to bleed.
    —Hands frozen but blood red stained.

    Too many prayers thrown to the Lord,
    Of which I should never myself listen.
    I, Myself remain an eagar voice unheard.
    But shaking hands dare not hold my own.
    —Defences built so heart can not tumble.

    Too many secrets locked in an enchanted box,
    Of which I should never myself hold the key.
    For never should I pick the lock you have made.
    I can not force you to reveal what you refuse.
    —Weaken those lies you have been told.

    Too many things I can not understand,
    Yet the world you reside within makes sense.
    What you consider to be a band of brothers,
    Makes me break down when you have gone.
    —But forever you remain a military man.

    To Bobby, wyoming national guard.
    I'll probably never understand completely but that doesn't mean I can't try.

  • J Lau
    18 years ago

    Truth is...
    by J. Lau

    I used to think
    That I can control,
    The feelings I had for you
    And the thoughts of being with you.

    I kept my distance,
    I held my stance.
    I treasure the friendships,
    And I wished you both happiness.

    I knew that it will not
    Be an easy path,
    But it turns out to be much rougher
    Then I could ever imagine.
    Cause deep down,
    It hurts like crazy.

    Truth is...
    I cannot hold my feelings back
    And ignore its existence.
    I cannot pretend l am not jealous,
    That I'm not the one by your side.

    Truth is...
    I cannot ignore the pain anymore,
    When comforting you when you fall.
    I cannot stand seeing you being hurt over and over again,
    And there's nothing more I can do.

    Truth is...
    I'm not being truthful and fair to myself,
    Cause it hurts so much inside each time you cry.
    I cannot leave this wound open,
    And not distance myself to let it heal.

    Truth is...
    I had feelings for you ever since the day we met,
    And it only grew deeper as time past.
    I know that I should not feel this way,
    But I can't help myself thinking of you each day.

    Truth is...
    I was sure that you were the one,
    ever since we met again that day,
    Around the end of June.

    I don't know what to do anymore,
    My logic is overwhemled by my emotions.
    I still wish that everything will work out,
    Between you and him.
    But if one day in the years to come,
    That fate finally grant me the chance.
    I wish that we will be together,
    Forever less a day...

    For that is the day,
    I wanted you to know...
    How I truly felt ... about YOU.

    < - - - - - - - - - - - >

  • Fallen~Tears
    18 years ago

    A childs pain.. by Meaghen

    He wakes up thinking maybe today
    will be the day everything will be alright
    but soon he'll realize he'll be
    crying thosse lonely tears tonight

    As screams ring in his ears
    and cuts run down his arms
    he tries to be ok
    trying to act like he doesnt know about lifes harms

    only a boy of 5 years old
    should never know this pain
    but he does
    as pain shoots threw every vein

    Never knowing any different
    from fights and tears
    never knowing what its like
    to live without all these fears

    all he hears is "your not good enough"
    and "why are you here"
    thosse are the times he prays
    he could just disappear

    One last hit
    thats all he could take
    He'd be doing them a favor
    he was just a mistake

    Thats the night
    that god took him for his own
    He'd never feel anymore pain
    He'd always be with him sitting beside the golden throne..

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    My soul has been destroyed..
    by ..נєѕѕу..©

    My soul
    Has been destroyed
    Thrown down,
    And stepped on
    You looked at me
    With those hateful eyes
    And said
    I am sorry,
    But I just
    Dont love you anymore..

    These words
    These 10 words
    Are what killed me
    Are what destroyed me
    And you say them
    Without a second glance..

    I felt more pain
    Than you could ever imagine
    I felt so much
    That I did not know
    What to do..

    So I picked up a knife
    My tearful reflection
    Shined in the evil blade

    I started carefully at first
    Watching the scarlet blood
    Run from my veins
    And drip silently to the floor

    But the pain still
    Drowned my soul
    So the next time I put it in deeper
    Deeper and deeper
    Into my pale flesh..

    The pain suddenly stopped
    And I fell to the ground
    As I laid there
    My body became
    Enveloped in a huge
    Pool of blood
    And as the last drop
    Fell from my unmoving body
    I was finally free.. _____________________________

    hehe.. hope you like it! btw, can we do more than one? :P
    luff jessy

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    I will judge when I have my winners, who are not yet to be found:P at least not all

  • Lisa
    18 years ago

    Hi all, I think that the poems entered into the contest so far are absolutly brilliant....especially....Final Prayer......I just wanna wish you all loadsa luck.

    Take care, Lis

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    Hey I decided I will close the contest after 30 poems.. We have 20 down, 10 to go... I can't wait:D

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    I agree, "Final Prayer" is the best poem here!!! It brought me to tears... Lovely poem!

  • Daniel Mulvany
    18 years ago

    She'll Never Know

    His hands so tightly grip her as she stumbles to the ground
    Overbearingly he hits her, almost taunting those around
    So many times its happened, yet so many times ignored
    The price she'd paid so many times she could now no longer afford
    Battered, bruised, and broken, she lay in a bed of tears
    A complexity of angers, and the torment of fears
    When theres no place left to turn, no one to hear her subtle cry
    She'll find no tranquil replacement for the answers known as why
    And she'll end so quickly what she wishes had never began
    Leaving me here thinking how could i really have been her friend
    But now in this regretful moment, I'll watch her in her pain
    Refraining from impeding, feeling best if I abstain
    So instead of life, embracing, soon she'll choose to let it go
    As I'm ready to give to her the comfort that she'll never know

    Daniel Mulvany

  • Sondos
    18 years ago

    Wired Skin of Drinking Straws

    Asbestos eyes and death breathe mist
    The midgets gazed and hissers hissed
    With craned up necks and speckled flecks
    Of the frayed edged parchment of the hex

    Her nose was upturned slightly with an air
    Of snobbery, carried with out a care
    For she was dainty as a whore
    With wired skin of drinking straws

    She once carried dresses of stiff polka dots
    And travelled to Paris with her book of snapshots
    Her hair would rustle and her washing line dance
    With odd socks and vests and underpants

    But once a man, with a pasted moustache
    Kissed her and caressed her preened eyelash
    And it was like she was spinning around and around
    As if she was squealing without making a sound

    Her lily was strangled her youth taken too fast
    She tried to ignore the hex of her past
    But the rain came and the concrete heaved
    Past stained tissues and snot filled sleeves

    Asbestos eyes and death breathe mist
    The midgets still gaze and hisser still hiss
    With craned up necks and fleckled specks
    Of the frayed edged parchment of the hex

  • Synh
    18 years ago

    Even though I entered the contest, I want Final Prayer to win

  • `~Raw~`Max
    18 years ago

    In The Helms of A Madman
    by Max Irvine

    Lying in bed as the tears creep near,
    Losing my life is not what I fear.
    But losing the game at which I have played.
    My garments are worn, my sorrow is frayed.

    Still as I sleep my sensations stab me,
    But inside I know that my demons will grab me.
    Only by you do I see by the light.
    By candle of something in all of the spite.

    The dark overwhelms like cloaking the shadow.
    Too late for me, the blood looking narrow.
    For naught is my blood but the blood of another,
    Yet though no death, I still need to cover.

    Violently striking does fatigue grow higher.
    The heat in my head as hot as a fire.
    The lead in my hands not slowing my pace.
    I move in the dark to cover my face.

    Although Iâ??m in hiding my face does appear.
    At every street corner on parchment does leer.
    Underneath streets is my very distraction.
    By nightmares and dreams are my only reactions.

    I no longer feel, no longer have care.
    But search every face with a lingering stare.
    No matter the reason on stone and on light.
    I search for my place in the middle of the fight.

    My time here is done, and my life dwindles slowly.
    Life on the line, it depends on it solely.
    As brightness fades fast, and blackness ensnares
    My eyes tear of you, the last drop of your cares.

  • silhouette fairy
    18 years ago

    Good night kiss
    by Silhouette, of something unimaginable

    She looks at him
    just lying there
    slow, deep breaths
    of his deep slumber
    she remembers the day they met
    he wore a bright blue shirt,
    her favorite color,
    her in a red satin gown
    their eyes met
    sparks flew,
    he asked her to dance
    she would never turn him down
    gliding through the ballroom
    looking into each other's eyes
    everyone else vanished
    it was just them two
    the magic came to an end
    with the coming of the night
    off they went to be alone
    they sat in the courtyard
    and there was where they fell in love
    now they must retire to their homes
    but before they leave
    one amazing good night kiss
    stirring in his sleep
    he looks at her with loving eyes
    and whispers "i love you"
    kissing his forehead
    she whispers "i love you, too"

    18 years ago

    My Unbeatable faith...

    As i find myself surrounded by troubles,
    happiness doesn't seems to be more than bubbles,
    I close my eyes and call my God- by heart,
    HE appears in front of me as soon as i start.

    When i do not find any shoulder to cry upon,
    I join my hands and kneel down in front of -
    the only listener of my grief,
    in front of whom i can regret, i can weep.

    Every drop of my tears rolling down my cheek,
    cries and shouts for the help and ease,
    Again i close my eyes and recall HIM,
    to forgive my mistakes and forgive my sins.

    I own unbeatable faith and trust in my almighty god,
    i have the unchallenged confidence and belief in my lord,
    I know HE is standing right next to me,
    whether i am able to see or not able to see.

    The presence of God is a thing to feel,
    all sorrows, all wounds HE can heal,
    no tangible structure it occupies,
    but its just the faith and in our heart HE lies.

    If you believe HIM, HE runs down your veins,
    if you dont, HE is the only cause for your pains,
    remembering him in grief is what we all do,
    but recalling him in joys too is what HE expects us to do.

    ***yeah! 'the Final prayer' is worth winning....its just a masterpiece.......gr8 job!***

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    2 to go

  • Melissa
    18 years ago

    Oh Fisherman
    By Melissa

    I am in stupid love,
    a fish out of water
    caught by a slimy worm.

    Hooked by hunger
    and evidently truth,
    but this bowl is far too real
    to swallow.

    My freedom was stolen
    and he just laughs
    as I swim around
    in ridiculous circles,
    searching for a knob-less door.

    My voice gurgles as I ask him,
    Oh simple-minded fisherman,
    why'd you go and snag me like that
    and what did you keep me for?

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    one more!!!

  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    OK it says one more so im posting this...I hope im not to late :D..

    ~Thy eyes glisten in the moon light~

    Thy eyes glisten in the moon light
    Shalt I hold thee in my sway?
    Kiss thy tender lips
    And smile as thou
    Touch my skin.
    Dost thou dare to take me in?
    Hold me closer
    Under the stars,
    Bring thyself
    Down on me
    Protect me from
    All of my enemies.
    A gentleman you are
    So caring to me
    Wilt thou whisper in
    My ear and ask me
    To be with Ye to
    The end of thy years?
    How thy eyes glisten in
    The moon light
    No sun shall break this night.

  • ღ»Lσιѕ«ღ
    18 years ago


    The pain and suffering that burns through my heart
    I just cant take it when were apart
    When you told me that we were threw
    I knew then there was nothing that I could do

    It tore my heart into a million pieces
    This feeling that your heart releases
    I cant take it anymore I want to die
    I raise up the knife as I start to cry

    The knife is sharp against my wrist
    I know now that I wont be missed
    As blood from my veins start to burst
    I think about how you were my first

    I sat your picture next to the letter
    That says how things just couldnt get better
    One more slice and all my veins are cut
    Here it goes now my eyes are shut

    When they found me in the puddle of red
    They knew then that I was dead

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    ok so now thats every1 plus 1 extra RITE?!:)

  • ღ»Lσιѕ«ღ
    18 years ago

    Hey i just wanted to say that i though Final Prayer was an excellent poem!! Best here!! 10/5!!!

  • Kaylee
    18 years ago

    I think some of these were good....