Out of Ideas

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    I am running out of ideas... my writing seems as if it is the same thing over and over now... wanna spew a few ideas that'll get me thinking again???

  • Gary Jurechka
    17 years ago

    Not sure if this will help, but I had posted a topic entitled NOTES ON WRITING POETRY(there are so many topics on the subjects included-individual topics posted elsewhere, but I believe this is the most broad and inclusive) it's quite lengthy but it covers a variety of topics and has valuable input from many P&Q members. It is not meant to tell you how to write, but to be a place of reference/help/advice to others-a place where many of the questions put forth repeatedly in these forumns is addressed, mainly to offer suggestions on writer's block (tips/exercises to break it. Inspiration, ideas, etc.), exercises to spur creativity (whether form, style, type of poem, content, etc.-just some stuff to try when blocked or to try something different), various poetic terms/definitions, a variety of basic stuff and technical stuff, submissions and poetry markets (where/how to submit your work) and perhaps some stuff to improve/expand your writing/poetry and understanding. Unfortunately the thread was locked due to it's length, but it still can be read/accessed under the WRITING POETRY forumn entitled NOTES ON WRITING POETRY or at


    I had received many favorable messages/comments on this thread and many requests to start a new thread as a continuation on the things/idea of the NOTES ON WRITING POETRY topic (check out the original Notes On Writing Poetry (at the link given above) for an idea of what type of things others and I posted), so I did respond and start a continuation of that thread.
    The new thread is called NOTES ON WRITING POETRY-Part II and can be found in the WRITING POETRY forumn and is at


    I am asking all members contribute and post things that could benefit others. Including such things as advice on certain forms, articles, tips on breaking writer's block, recommended reading,the links to sites that contain information, exercises, poetry terms, forms and their defintions, etc. basically anything pertaining to poetry writing. Also your personal writing habits (I've found people like to read about not only advice/suggestions but also the personal writing/working habits of different writers), like what time of day you write, do you have a favorite place (inside or outside, even more specific), do you listen to music while you write,when you first started writing, do you write rough drafts on the computer or with pen and paper, do you revise rough drafts or leave it as is, have you been published, what your influences are (other poets, writers, songwriters,teachers, etc.), is solitude necesary to you or not, what compels you to write, emotions, passion, to get an idea or meaning across, do you write for yourself or with someone in mind, how and when you started writing, writing as therapy or release, do you have a preferred form /style(sonnets, rhyme, free verse, haiku, etc.) and why, writing exercises, any other advice(personal or technical),if you could write any advice, as to why and how you write,when you started writing, what compels you, any specific methods and motivations, any personal methods, moods, habits and philosophies, advice to others,and other things I mentioned, and MAINLY what poetry means to you. Any advice to newcomers and established poets alike. I hope to hear/see postings from those popular and more experienced/knowledgable on the site as well as those newer members who have something to add. I welcome and appreciate any comments along these lines from any and all P&Q members-everyone has something to say. So if anyone can add anything at all along these lines, please do so.I hope to see a wide variety of age, countries, opinions, styles and opinions. Don't be shy. I feel any input/comments/advice/opinions would very much benefit others.

    So hopefully there is something here for everyone. Worth reading through(I hope).
    Even if you don't care to add to it, it is still worthwhile to read for all the information/advice/exercises/tips it has. I'm sure, given all the information plus the comments/contributions of esteemed P&Q members, that this thread has something to offer everyone, whether it is a specific question or just gaining knowledge. At least that is it's purpose. Though as I said, it is quite lengthy, but well worth sifting through.
    Hope this helps.

    Thank you for your time and support.

    Peace, Poetry & Power,

    Gary Jurechka

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    17 years ago

    I can't believe anyone could possibly ever be out of ideas. Walk outside and look around.

  • X x . DeAtHbYtOuCh . x X
    17 years ago

    Why not tying to write about something new? If you ran out of ideas for one thing then try to write about a totally diffrent topic. Or just write about your feelings, you'll always have diffrent feelings.

  • Ashleigh Skye
    17 years ago

    take a break from writing for a while, and just live your life then come back after like X amount of time and you will have a bunch of new experiences to thrive from

  • Lu
    17 years ago

    Bump (Due to Spam)

  • Italian Stallion
    17 years ago


  • Christie
    17 years ago

    u'll be sitting somewhere random one day, and u'll be hit with inspiration. =)

  • Dark Demise
    17 years ago

    You'll figure out new stuff to write, Just give it time, like everyone else said, Or try editing a poem thatu just cant finish when your completely blank on ideas, mix in some confuseing words and make it a more smooth writeing, somthing will come along for you to write about that's toatally diff evantually,

  • N J Thornton
    17 years ago

    I went through that phase...never came out of the other end...

    In all seriousness though, pick something completely random and start thinking of ways to describe it. Think of colour, texture (how it feels) what is does or would it smell like, sound like, (taste, if it's relvent,) what emotion or season's it reminds you of...
    It's just an idea, and even if you don't write about that random object you may find a description or idea that you could use as a base for another poem.
    Reading other poems is another idea...
    If all the above fails...calm your mind and stop thinking about it, forcing never works anyway...
    Come back and try again some other time.

    Oh well... good luck.

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    17 years ago

    Just don't force your poems, let them come when they will.

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    that's what i hav always done. Let them ocome to me.
    But they just... aren't.
    And the world is full of ideas, but it just seems, so unusually hard to describe them.

  • Iola
    17 years ago

    Hallo my dear friend.

    I've always asked myself what purpose can pain and suffering have in this life, and the only understandable answer I could find was INSPIRATION. Once you start penetrating the lives of those who suffers beyond comparison, you'll have all the inspiration you need..

    All my love.


  • RunningOnEmpty
    17 years ago

    You know what i just realized... I am not out of ideas. Actually, i am chock full of them... But i figured out this morning that i am so proud of some of my older poems, i am afraid i won't amount up to the standards of my readers... I just feel like the talent was temporary and it is draining out of me... And the fact that i still have stories to tell but no talent to tell them with is killing me.

  • RunningOnEmpty
    17 years ago

    Sorry for the title... Guess i misread my thoughts. So, how do i refresh the talent? Whoever strikes the deafening blow that brings my lust and passion for writing back will get every single one of their poems commented on (on my other account of course) by the other me... For poetry, it's worth it... For without poetry, i'm nothing. Whoever sparks the spark will have, technically saved my life.

  • Veamm
    16 years ago

    I do have the same problem as of now..well same words and same topic.. however i do manage do more poems..

  • Vix
    16 years ago

    Says it all...

    'So you want to be a writer?'

    if it doesn't come bursting out of you
    in spite of everything,
    don't do it.
    unless it comes unasked out of your
    heart and your mind and your mouth
    and your gut,
    don't do it.
    if you have to sit for hours
    staring at your computer screen
    or hunched over your
    searching for words,
    don't do it.
    if you're doing it for money or
    don't do it.
    if you're doing it because you want
    women in your bed,
    don't do it.
    if you have to sit there and
    rewrite it again and again,
    don't do it.
    if it's hard work just thinking about doing it,
    don't do it.
    if you're trying to write like somebody
    forget about it.
    if you have to wait for it to roar out of
    then wait patiently.
    if it never does roar out of you,
    do something else.

    if you first have to read it to your wife
    or your girlfriend or your boyfriend
    or your parents or to anybody at all,
    you're not ready.

    don't be like so many writers,
    don't be like so many thousands of
    people who call themselves writers,
    don't be dull and boring and
    pretentious, don't be consumed with self-
    the libraries of the world have
    yawned themselves to
    over your kind.
    don't add to that.
    don't do it.
    unless it comes out of
    your soul like a rocket,
    unless being still would
    drive you to madness or
    suicide or murder,
    don't do it.
    unless the sun inside you is
    burning your gut,
    don't do it.

    when it is truly time,
    and if you have been chosen,
    it will do it by
    itself and it will keep on doing it
    until you die or it dies in you.

    there is no other way.

    and there never was.

  • kayla XoXoxOxO
    16 years ago

    So you say your full of ideas.. and u need to refrech your talent. mabey you could try thining about what every idea means that u have. think of what means the most to you. if you just feel what they are. the words are so simple they roll offf your tounge.